Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Global Warming Debate

Global warming is a controversial topic. There are differing opinions on whether its happening at all, its effects, and if its human induced. Your job is to develop an opinion on the idea of global warming. You need to determine if you are a believer or a skeptic of global warming. To research your viewpoint, read the information on the following link. Explore the additional links at the bottom of the page.

You must include the following in your blog response:
1. Are you a skeptic or a believer?
2. Give at least 3 examples from the reading as evidence for your opinion.
3. Based on your research, what do you think will happen to the earth in the next 20 years?
4. Can humans effect the outcome of atmospheric processes? How? Why?


  1. Im a skeptic. I really doubt that global warming (if real) is as bad as it seems. I agree with the statement "why is evrything humans do necessarily bad for the Earth?". I also think that scientists ARE trying to get attention. I mostly agree with this observation: "If the world was warmer in 1200 AD than today, and far colder in the year 1400, why would we blame current temperatures trends on auto exhausts?" If global warming is real, we might see something change in the next 20 years, but I highly doubt it. Humans would have to do MUCH more than what they do now to have a major effect.

  2. I believe in Global warming. In the article the scientist talkis about how the earth seems to be getting warmer and warmer. Many believe that air pollution caused Global warming. Others believe that its from climate change and human causes will niether make the situation worse of better. In 20 years i thing Global warning will cause all the glaciers to melt causing the world to go About 200 miles under water. I Think the humans can effect the outcome of it if they stop polluting because they the making everything worse.

  3. I don't beleive in global warming because the earth heats up all the time throughout it's history. We have had many heat warms up many ice ages and we still lived through them what make this any different. Yes the glaicers are melting and many animals are going exceient but thats how the earth works. The green house gasses are caused by humans buring fossil fuels and that makes carbone go into the ozone layer.But we can be ready for it because of scienistist but they still can't prove we caused it or if it even if it will flood the world like they predict.People can think what they want to but the problem to me is not what everyone says it is there making a big deal over something small ice is melting thats what happens it did for milloins of years and it's gonna keep doing it.We just now try to find thing to argue about and talk about so someone can feel smart. I don't think it's as bad as everyone says it is.Let them think what they want but I don't think it is that bad it's natural for the earth to heat up and cool off.

  4. I am a believer of global warming. Some examples of the reason I believe are that since people have began using fossil fuels there is a current trend of the earth's tempature increasing, if we change the way we power our homes, transportation, and civilization it will lower global warming rates greatly, and the emmisions countinue to alter the atomsphere the way we predict it to. If the rate of global warming stays the same in the next 20 years i think that many of the large glaciers could possibly melt and cause sea levels to raise signifigantly. Humans can effect some of the outcomes of atmospheric processes by burning less fossil fuels and emmitting less greenhouse gasses and lowering global warming.

  5. I believe that Global Warming is not happening because Global Warming is when the earth heats up and last year almost the whole country got snow when a couple of years before we didnt get any snow when they first thought of Global Warming. I think that its not going to happen because scientists, yea they have evidence of what happen in the past and over time will happen again but they dont have any real evidence they can see. They said that most scientists dont like using the computers to predict the future so what could have happen was that maybe its getting a little bit warmer but maybe the computer messed up and exaggerated it a little bit. In the next 20 years i think that the earth instead of getting warmer will get colder because in the past the ice age occured and probally will occur again and since last year almost everybody in the country got snow i think its getting colder. I dont think that in exactly 20 years that we are going to have an Ice Age again but i think that every year its going to get colder and colder and possibly in a few hundred years that we could have another Ice Age. Humans can affect atmosheric processes because when humans litter and throw trash on the ground it lets off gas that gets absorbed into the atmosphere and eventually changes the processes in the atmosphere.

  6. I believe that global warming is happening. I believe that because people are causing pollution when we have big companies and factories that are releasing gases into our atmosphere and causing the wheatear to have different climate changes and temperature changes. Also scientists have studied models of our future climate and it doesn’t seem to look like it should but because of global warming it’s causing it change. But also there are natural reasons as to why there’s global warming. Like when a volcano erupts those gases it release also mess with the atmosphere and cause whether to change over time. Based on what I have read I think that we could have lots of problems if pollution and gases are entering the atmosphere but if humans change there’s also no way to stop volcanoes from erupting. I think that humans could affect it because if we stop polluting and releasing harmful gases into the air then we could possibly help with global warming in some way.

  7. I see the earth being back to the way it was because it will heat up then cool off we might lose some land with flooding.Yes we can stop burning fossil fuel and have more eco friendly stop putting excess carbone into the earths atmosphere.

  8. I am more of a skeptic for fire is totally natural it’s not like fossils would not be found all in one place at one time and get cought on fire by a bolt of lightning. There are way too many variables and no real way of testing the variables in the first place so we will can never know. This can allso just be a progresion that has happened before naturaly but we are just noticing that we make carbon deoxide. After all this has been happening for at most 30 years so that is only a fraction of how long humans have been here after wrecords. the tempreture will rise and we might find that it is somewhat like a global summer dealing with the sun's continual vareation with the earth, after all it is the third planet from it. Yes if we found all the oil in the world burned it at the same time on "yellow stone", which is a "supper volcano", we would all die and effect the environments, it still is effected by long term heat just not as much as we think.

  9. I am a skeptic of global warming only because I think the earth is just going through its process of life. But I do believe that humans do contribute the effects to "global warming". They do this by all the scientist testing nuclear weapons all the time. I am not worried about anything major happing in my life time because it took thousands of years just for the ice age to melt. Back then when the ice age was around there were no humans around to cause the ice to melt and make our oceans we have today so why is that the case now that they are claiming that we are going through “global warming”. Scientist have been saying this for years but not stopping what to they are doing now of what they are saying is effecting are earth. If scientists don’t quite testing all these nuclear weapons and starts finding more earth friendly ways to live are daily lives then all they are going to do is speed up the time it takes for the ice to melt. All that everyone is doing is worrying what will happen next but not stopping what is happing now. But all "global warming" is, is nature taking its course we are just adding to it and its effects. No matter what any scientist or psychic says no one can predict how long the earth will survive or humans.

  10. I'm not really sure if I believe in global warming or if I don't. Both skeptics and believers offer theories and evidence in their opinions. The skeptics say that this is a natural phase the Earth is going through, and that it has happened in the past. However, the believers say that humans are building up greenhouse gases and causing an unnatural change in the Earth's atmosphere. It's true that we as humans don't care for the Earth like we should, and we cut down trees and burn fossil fuels, and that produces harmful gases. If the believers are right then we could be in trouble in the next 20 years. Since the glaciers are melting they believe that lower areas will flood, and they predict the temperature to rise to a harmful degree. To stop the process some people have made an effort to recycle, create and drive cars that don't use as much fuel, and do small daily things like carpool to reduce their carbon output.

  11. Well I ‘am in between of both. But I think I’ am a skeptic believer because I think that each era of earth has a different process of climate and I think for our era is Global Warming. I think that the sun is a process that works alone and that we can’t mess around with it. I think that the sun changes, not everything can stay the same. I think that all this is not because of the humans. I think the sun will have a time of its end and therefore I think it’s getting closer because it’s getting hotter each year and ice is melting even more and affecting many animals that live in the North Pole. I think in the next 20 years there will be a big change in our earth but it’s going to be the suns change that will change us and not because of humans is just the earth is being in its new era and change. We will all feel the change well we are already feeling it and it’s just the suns reaction because if it would be our reaction global warming had to be since a long time ago because pollution started many years ago it’s not recent and humans have had been on earth for many years before global warming so I think humans are not the cause. We all know that it’s really affective but I think we can’t do nothing about it because everything its natural happening or maybe we could I think we just have to do much more research to know the real affect of global warming and if its human the problem we should all work for our earth to maintain a good position. Because therefore if we don’t we and all the animals and earth will be affected in many aspects.

  12. I believe in Global warming. In the article the scientist talkis about how the earth seems to be getting warmer and warmer. Scientist have been studying the actual effects of a warming planet for nearly 30 years in Colorado to provide that evidence. Many believe that air pollution caused Global warming. I think people is cutting tomany trees down which is taking away the co2 which effects the ozone layer which is blocking most of the suns heat. Others believe that its from climate change and human causes will niether make the situation worse of better. In 20 years i thing Global warning will cause all the glaciers to melt causing the world to go About 200 miles under water. I Think the humans can effect the outcome of it if they stop polluting because they the making everything worse.

  13. Global warming is caused by humans releasing too many gases into the atmosphere. "Scientic evidence can show us that the ozone layer in our atmosphere has been depleting and has gotten worse over the past few years." "In order to help our planet, we should reduce the amount of greenhouse gases, like carbon dioxide, released into the atmosphere." "Greenhouse gases can alter the ozone layer so that climates will be affected all over the world." In the next twenty years, we can decrease the amount of greenhouse gases so that our ozone layer can heal, or we can continue to released large amounts of greenhouse gases into the atmosphere causing the planet to overheat and sea levels to rise. By reducing the amount of greenhouse gases that we put into the atmosphere, the ozone layer would have a chance to repair itself and protect us from the sun. By continuing to use greenhouse gases and releasing large amounts of them into the atmosphere, the ozone layer would be completely destroyed and we will have nothing to protect us from the sun. What we do know will decide what happens to our planet.

  14. I am a believer in global warming because many factors state that it is true, our planet is gradually getting warmer. Things such as ice caps getting smaller, winters getting warmer, ext. are all evidence of global warming. Scientist cannot directly look at global warming, point to it, and say there is the cause because so many factors are present in global warming. Looking back in history, we have had drastic changes in weather and this is another one. The Ice Age occurred when there was an extended drop in temperature and it was natural; now it’s simply reversed and the planet is slowly getting warmer. Although it is partially natural, humans have affected the environment and thus effected global warming by producing extra gases into the atmosphere. The greenhouse effect, which is a natural process, is at partial blame for global warming but humans produce the unnatural side to it. Some scientist say there is not enough evidence to prove global warming to be true and yet glaciers are getting smaller every day. I believe that the earth will continue to gradually get warmer but humans could help slow down the process. Humans constantly effect their environment by creating landfills which release multiple gases into the air and damage the planet. Humans could help keep the planet cool by doing simple things like recycling.

  15. I believe that global warming is a real threat to the Earth, and not just something blown out of proportion by scientists. A good example of this is the burning of fossil fuels, which pollutes the atmosphere and eats away at our protective ozone. Two more pieces of evidence showing that global warming could be a major factor in our future are the melting of glaciers and rising of the oceans, which has been happening at an increased rate, and greenhouse gases. Even scientists who pass global warming off as natural temperature changes know that greenhouse gases exist and they get trapped in the ozone when we burn fossil fuels. Global warming is thought to be a natural process -- after all, humans and animals release CO2 just by breathing, and the Earth's climate is bound to change over the years, but many scientists agree that it shouldn't be occuring at such a rapid pace. Based on what I've read, I think the Earth will probably have even more pollution in 20 years than it does now, more melting glaciers, etc. Hopefully by then we can have a protective plan in place, but based off of human stubbornness, it's not likely that we will have switched to an entirely renewable energy source (although we'll most likely be closer than we are now). Humans can definitely affect the Earth -- be it positively or negatively. We can stop using fossil fuels and other pollutant-causing energy sources and switch to renewable powers such as solar, wind, and hydroelectricity. The less carbon dioxide we release into the atmosphere, the better -- even if you don't believe in global warming, you have to admit that polluting the Earth is a very bad idea. The more protection we put on erosion, glaciers, endangered species, etc won't necessarily help with global warming but will also benifit the Earth in other ways. In conclusion, it's better to help stop polluting even if you don't believe in global warming, since the Earth is our home and as such, we should take care of it.

  16. I believe that global warming is a true issue that we need to consider today. This is partly our fault and can also be affected by earth's natural ways. When we put gas in our cars and drive around town we are affecting the enviornment with the smog that comes out of the car. this goes into the ozone and wraps around it instigating global warming. There are ways that global warming can occur without the help of us. The sun's rays can get trapped in the atmosphere causing temperatures to rise above normal levels. If we make it habit to live a greener life than Global warming can be reduced by a huge amount. The outcome in twenty years will either be smaller effects or also larger if we choose not to change. Humans affect the outcome of atmospheric processes because things that we do every day effects the world. When we jump in our car we are making a decision to contribute to this issue. If fewer cars were used we would be in better shape as far as Global warming goes. There wouldn't be as much smog going up into the atmosphere and settling around the earth. We would still be somewhat effect by the issue but it wouldn't be as serious a situation if we made better choices.

  17. I believe global Warming to a Extent I believe that it is unatural for all these things to happen but evrything bad that happens to the earth is all blamed on global warming and I think that its not all about global warming i mean somethings i can see but others make me question if global warming actualy exist. Humans do not do everything bad for global warming i mean some people think that everything we do oh oh my gosh global warming were all gonna die i dont think its like that. The evidence that they have for global warming is that when volconoes erupt it cause a release of Co2 in the air and it is to hard on the plants and and trees because people keep cutting them down. Another example is from the Ozone layer that the suns rays warm up the earth and get trapped because the ozone layer is getting stuck and the rays do not have a chance to get out so thats why we keep getting these strange weather patterns. I think that in 20 years the earth will probobly still be the way it is because people will still think that anything bad that happens to the earth its all global warmings fault when i dont think that at all. I do think that humans can affect the atrmospheric process because if we do not through everything on the streets and grass and drainige pipes then we would probobly be living in a more healthy and clean enviorment. I think that also that the earth will eventually help itself and get back together i think its just a natuaral event that has probobly happened in the past and i think it may be reapeting itself again and then it will go away and come back again a long time from now and i think the other time we proboby had global warming was in Prehistory because that was before we had written records so we had no way to tell if it happend. Its just a weather pattern that has happened in the past and is happening again.

  18. 1. I’m skeptic when it comes to the subject of global warming. Yes I do see and understand where people are stating their opinions but most of the statements just don’t hold up when it comes to the point of the matter.
    2. Global warming (global weather patterns) have been happening since the earth had oceans. They really don’t have much information about global warming completely because they really don’t have information strong enough since the last ice age. It’s hard to predict future weather patterns even though we have more advance technology than fifty years ago, but still it’s not precise enough to be consider a bull’s eye. The earth is always changing and has always bounced back from a lot of climatic events. Global warming isn’t a new thing it was always there but not in such a degree.
    3. The way we, as humans are concerned, are now trying to clean up our act as a species and replace what has been taken. I hope , I know in the next twenty years we will be well on our way to helping the earth, to helping the animals regain their lives in their place in the known universe.
    4. Yes human can, have, and will affect the outcome of the earth’s path. All we can do is right what we have wrong. As we cut back on traveling and use more public ways transportation we also cut back on the exhaust we put out and hope fully we can get big companies to cut back on the gas output too. The reason why I said that is because as one we have no power over everybody, but as everybody we have power over anyone to change the way of the nation to hopefully carve a path for the other nations of the world.

  19. I am a believer when it comes to global warming and that is to say that I do not believe that humans have been the only factor of what is going on with our planet but I believe that there IS something bad happening due to the occurrences on this planet. I will say that our use of machinery that put out harmful chemicals and gases are definitely a factor but I also think that some of the causes are natural too. For example, when a volcano erupts it releases carbon-dioxide into the atmosphere. That isn’t something that humans can control. Neither is the seeping of natural gases from within the earth when earthquakes occur. There are some things that will just happen whether we want them too or not but there are also things that humans could do to attempt to reduce the amounts of harmful gases we put into the air. In an article from National Geographic it was said “For centuries we've been clearing forests and burning coal, oil, and gas, pouring carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases into the atmosphere faster than plants and oceans can soak them up (see "The Case of the Missing Carbon," February 2004).” Can we really think that if we deposit inordinate amounts of chemicals into our atmosphere and oceans that it won’t eventually have negative effects on our planet? Although we have contributed greatly it isn’t all our doing. As I stated before, natural occurrences happen on our planet that also add to the already growing amount of chemicals and gases in our atmosphere. If we don’t at least attempt to lessen the amount of pollution –whether intentional or not- that we put into this planet I believe that in twenty years or so our planet will have been warmed considerably and that there will have been a noticeable amount of damage done to the colder climates on the earth. Also if we keep putting chemicals into the air we breathe it could become toxic and unsuitable for breathing. The arctic areas of the planet will have melted considerably and the already warm places might grow unbearable but we can try to delay these possible occurrences. We could use less equipment that needs fuel sources that place harmful chemicals into the air or find a source of fuel that isn’t harmful. It would just leave the natural occurrence of harmful gases and a lot less contribution on our part.

  20. I am a beliver in global warming,we do put more of an impact then what is natural. Our polar caps are melting faster now then before. By us using cars we are adding to the gases the volcanos erupt out. Cutting down our trees and not replacing them so that they can take in the bad gases. Meteoroloist studies these patterns and do ground truthing to make hard evidence. Looking at both poles now and 10 years ago you can see that the glaciers are melting faster. Which is making the sea level extremely high. In 20 years I belive that it will be better, yes we may lose some land but not the big number some are coming up with. Since some people belive in it by go green. Using cars that don't give out so much gas, turning off running water,recycling,and etc. We can change how the future of the earth is just takes us to belive it and keep it from happening and getting worser.

  21. 1) I am a believer of global warming. I think that it is serious, but it is very overly dramatized. Although it is very important for us to know about it, people are throwing it way out of proportion.
    2) "While some scientists. . . change."
    "Scientist John Harte. . . evidence."
    "He explains, 'We . . . future warming.'"
    3) I think that in the next 20 years, the earth may get significantly hotter but probably will not kill us off. I justy think that we might notice it but not pay much attention to it. It might change the way we do some of the things we do now, and probably for the better.
    4) Humans certainly can effect the outcome if atmospheric processes. We can also help slow down the process of making it worse. We could do simple things like using reusable bottles and disposable bags and recycle. Its not that hard.

  22. i am a believer. Scientist have proved that temputers have been rising. some say that pollution msy have started this global warning trend of some of human activity has some part into it. the fossile fuels are a big part of th cause of global warning since they release gases that trap the heat of the incoming rsys of the sun. althought fossile fuels have a huge part in the global its not an easy avoidable use since its a big part of the modern world. if this keeps going at this rate the sea levels will continue to raise and polor animals may become extint in the next 20 years. if we start now in controlling the green house affect in less use of fossile fuels we can start reducing the speed of global warning.

  23. I am a skeptic. I've done much research in the past to know that this effect is a normal process in nature. Over many years scientists have come to the conclusion that it is a natural process and that we did not start it. The earth has been hot in the past and then got unusually cold. That’s what’s happening with us. Just last February North Carolina had an alarming amount of snow. How could that not be an indication that global warming is a farce? I think the earth will go through its natural changes throughout the next 20 or so years. It MAY be possible that we are the reason for the atmospheric process but, the earth is formed to go through changes and processes.

  24. I am a skeptic of global warming because scenarios like this have existed since medieval times. If the world was hotter in 1200 AD, before modern technology, how can scientists say the we're causing it? I do believe that we could potentially speed up the process but the world goes trhough periods of heating up and cooling down naturally. In 1400 AD the world was colder and now we are heating up again. Also most of the country got snow last year. If global warming exists why are places known for a 'green Christmas' suddenly getting snow? In the next 20 years I do believe we will be getting warmer but I don't think we will have reached a tragic point in the heating process yet. I believe that humans should limit the amount of gases we used and produce in order to prevent the process from being sped up. However, I believe that it is mainly a natural part of a cycle the Earth goes through and it is not caused by human civilization.

  25. I am a skeptic of global warming. I am a skeptic because even though the Earth is heating up, it would have done it naturally anyways. Even though we are speeding it up, it is just a natural process. As far as we know, the Earth may just be at an accelerated pace of the melting. I have researched and I think from it over the next 20 years the Earth’s sea level will rise, but not dramatically like scientists say it will. Humans can effect the outcome, because they can stop the acceleration of the melting by not burning as much fossil fuels or just take by doing little things, like taking the bus, or riding your bike. This would help reduce the amount of greenhouse gasses in the air.

  26. I am more of a skeptic because in the past Earth has gone through many similar changes and animals and people survived them. I think humans are helping global warming but I don’t believe we are the cause of it. I also agree with a piece in the article we read that some scientists may want to attract attention or funding so they make the situation seem worse than it is to the public. I believe that global warming is just another phase of the Earth and that humans are making the process faster but I don’t think there is anything anyone can do to stop or reverse it. I think 20 years won’t make much of a difference, I think the process will take thousands to millions of years. In 20 years in may be a little hotter than now but not by much and we will probably not take a notice in it. Humans can affect the outcome of the atmospheric process by creating gasses with man made things but I don’t think humans can or will do a significant amount to where it does major harm to the Earth.

  27. • 1. I am a believer of global warming.

    • 2. John Harte is now saying that wildfires are caused by global warming and people in the west should be worried about wildfires.
    • Harte is also concerned about the ski resorts. He is saying that in the next 50 years the ski resorts will be out of business because the ice will most likely have melted.
    • In other words John Harte is saying without snow, the west would lose its water supply to irrigate its crops. Meaning that life will be totally different is 50 years people will have to change the way they live and adapt to new living habits.

    • 3. In the next 20 years people who are skeptic believers will start to realize that global warming is really happening because the ice will began to melt more rapidly and the climate will be changing in unfamiliar ways.

    • 4. Yes humans can affect the outcome of atmospheric process by littering and not cleaning up after their dogs. Factories can affect the atmospheric process by the gasses they put out and the chemicals they put.

  28. I am a believer of global warming, I agree that necessarily everything a human does is bad for the Earth but most of it is. I think that maybe if we start doing what’s right for the Earth like not littering and cut down on our driving and maybe car pool then it might help the cause of Global warming not by a lot but at least by a little. Also the greenhouse gases have some part in it because there just altering through the atmosphere which is affecting the climate. Plus the scientist evidence shows the threat from the ozone depletion has been much deadlier then they thought. In the next 20 year I think that if we keep littering and keep polluting the air then most of our animals will become extinct and that the sea levels might rise up over Australia and Antarctica. And if we start to control our green house gases and pollution then I think we can slow down global warming by at least a little bit.

  29. 1. I am a believer of global warming.
    2. There is a lot of use of fossil fuels which we use for fuel to power cars, there is the greenhouse gases that block the sun heat from going out and there is the pollution we are doing to make the gases from the trash go up to the atmosphere and get caught up in the cloud of greenhouse gases.
    3. I think the world is going to be a little bit hotter than it is now.
    4. Humans can affect the outcome of the atmospheric processes because we pollute the Earth by pollution and fossil fuels and other stuff that can get the sun heat to stay on Earth.

  30. I am a believer of global warming. The reasons i am a believer is because scientists have already determined that the temperatures and sealevels are rising. If the temperatures rise too high then it will derfinatley start destroying the ozone layer.(this is protecting us from the uv rays.) Also the like green house gases are creating natural gas which the earth should have but us as humans are definatley adding way to much pollution. We need to control how much pollution is actually added to the earth because if not the next generations of people will be left with the carbon foot print we put here on earth. Lets see in the next twenty years i think we will be regretting adding to mass of Carbon Dioxide. If in the end of lets say 15 years if we have all this carbon dioxide then it will eventually create more of a problem because too much of it is not a good thing now a little bit is fine but adding and adding will cause the polar ice caps to melt. this is going to cause the rise in sea levels and the animals living in the upper northern hemisphere and lower southern hemisphere will eventually die and this is why the population of animals that are there now have become endangered species. If we loose these animals that would be sad cause most of them are so cute :). I think humans can affect the atmospheric outcome because we are the main ones polluting it and we are the main thing that is making earth so special sonce we are the only ones with life on it we definetly need to take care and preserve it for the upcoming generations of people. Think about it if we keep going at this rate all of our kids will die from the major poisioning that we created and then we would feel bad. we should really try to reduce everything and recycle more since it help the Earth more than it hurts.

  31. I am a believer in global warming because it makes sense to me that we do a lot to harm the earth than help it sometimes. Through the effects of Global warming comes ice caps melting and the air getting filled with harmful gasses. We as humans use cars, machines, factories, and all of these things are harming our atmosphere. We also tend not to recycle when throwing trash on the ground it is just damaging when we can recycle it and use it again with other things. We can also use less of natural resources like gas petroleum coal ECT. I also find it intresting that that article said that some scientist could be doing this just for attention and money but it also could be true in my opinion it is.In the next 20 years if we don’t improve how we live on a day to day basis then we probably will start encountering more severe global warming effects like the ice caps will start to melt very badly causing sea levels to rise it might also get really hot causing certain species of animals and plants to go extinct . Humans can greatly improve this from happening we can take responsibility and work together to get "green" we can get cars that use lot less gas and use solar powered or wind powered electricity and get companies to run that way as well!

  32. I believe in global warming because there are many facts that support my theory. For instance, the fact that global warming is effecting the environment. By trapping heat inside earth, this is melting many glaciers and causing the sea elevation to rise. When the sea elevation rises low lands get covered by water, these lands may be home to animals, plants, and people. Even with the ability to adapt to whatever environment plants are in, animals may still die because of a loss in the food chain (the plants). Also, the oceans are affected by global warming because the warm water causes algae to die which happens to be food to many marine animals. The global warming may even cause loss of rain forests which is caused by the acid rain that is produced from the pollution. I predict that in the next 20 years Earth’s sea elevation will have risen dramatically. This will probably cause many who live near water to have to move further inland. Many islands will be underwater as well. But, humans can affect the atmospheric process. They can by bringing down pollution by recycling more often. Also, taking a bike somewhere or a bus would stop pollution as well. We affect Earth’s outcome because we are the majority of life on earth, so it’s our duty to protect it.

  33. I consider myself both skeptic and believer. I defend my stance with this: there is global warming but it is just a cycle and humanity has simply helped it along. There have been reports that the earth is just in a cycle. Others say that there will be an ice age. The volcanic emissions along with methane from cows and CO2 from factories all contribute to the “Global Warming”. The earth may get warmer in the next 20 years, but not overly much.

  34. I beleive that Global Warming is happening on some level. While the Earth does have natural cycles of heating and cooling we are speeding it along. Now there are some aspects beyond our control however we are still a part of the problem. Not necessarily us but what we do. Until we can clean up our act the planet will keep getting hotter. We will not be able to completely stop Climate change we can however slow it down. Now some people say that for example 1 volcano will produce in 1 day what all the cars in the world will not produce for hundreds of years. While this is true we are still producing the same pollution with cars. Those against global warming also say that it was hotter in 1200AD than it is today but what about 1100 AD Im sure it was colder then than it is today. Now I can only hope that for future generations we soon change our ways. Though it will keep getting hotter naturally but it will have greatly slowed down.

  35. On the topic of global warming I’m a believer, sort of. I believe that the earth does go through cycles of cold and hot climates, but humans are making it worse by emitting more of the harmful gases into the atmosphere. Evidence that supports my opinion is that over earth’s history it has had many periods of hot and cold climates and they go in a pattern. Fossil fuels and pollution have made it worse though since they give out large amounts of harmful gases like CO2. These gases rise to the atmosphere and trap the sun’s energy on earth which makes the temperature go up all over the world. Also scientists have computer models that represent what could happen in the future because of global warming if we keep on using stuff that pollutes. Based on my research I think that in the next 20 years the polar ice caps will continue to melt, how much that melts depends on how much we rely on fossil fuels and pollutants by then. I also think more plant and animal species will be having trouble thriving than they do now since their environments will be being destroyed. Also rises in global temperature can cause natural disasters like hurricanes to be worse than they have been. Yes, humans can effect the outcome of atmospheric processes, to a degree. Humans will never be able to control them completely but we can still push them a little back into their normal pattern to if anything fix a little of what we’ve done.

  36. I am half calf. I am slighlt leaning towards believer though. Scientist have prove many possibilities for this concept. On a believer's sides, the temperture has been proven that there was an increase of the amount anually. It is so because the heat is being trap within the Earth's atmosphere. Therefore it could cause ice caps and glaciers to melt. Another thing is that we pollute to much things into the air, such as simply drivng a car. It would release many toxin gases into the air, forming a cluster of many other toxin gases trapping in the heat. And another huge factor is the natural gases we can't control. Such as, volcanoes releasing smoke into the air. But, I don't believe this would come into a huge effect until later on into our life but I think we should stop or reduce the amount of pollution we release. But in the next twenty years, I think we would have a tremendous amount of increasing sea levels from melted ice caps and glaciers. I think we should keep an eye out for what we do and try to change of acts by helping out the earth you live on by doing even the small task like recycling bottles, plastic and most importantly paper. Recycling is a small factor, but reducing your driving habits would be a huge factor to reduce the risk of global warming.

  37. I am a skeptic of global warming. I do believe that the Earth is getting warmer, but it will eventually cool down. I agree with the statement that the idea of a "fragile earth" must be abandoned, because the Earth has suffered much worse disasters than us humans, and it has continued to repair itself for billions of years. I also agree that not everything humans have done to the Earth is irreversible and bad. We have emitted toxins and gasses into the air, but the earth has been able to sustain gasses for a vey long time, and hasn't been destroyed. Before major factories, pollution, and harsh man-made chemicals, something similar happened to Earth during the Medival period, where the Earth heated up after an Ice Age. In the next 20 years, I predict that the Earth will be slightly warmer than it is today, but the temperature will eventually decrease in a hundred years or so. I think that humans can effect the Earth on a somewhat small scale, because although pollution and toxins do hurt the Earth, it is so large and resilient that it will find a way to adapt to anything that humans do to the earth.

  38. I’m neither a skeptic nor a believer of global warming, global warming is a controversial subject so when I hear different opinions, predictions or hypothesizes about it I get confused on what to infer or believe about it. When a skeptic gave his opinion about global warming he said “since when everything that man does necessarily bad?” I think that is a good example of how we as humans have been using the same chemicals and other toxics for decades but now just because that they are noticing global temperature rising, humans are the blame. Another example is when a believer said that we should reduce emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to protect our economy and land, but I think that since the greenhouse gases were already here before we got here why now is our industries, types of transportation and other pollutants affecting the earth. In the next 20 years the earth will continue this huge cycle it goes through, the earth might continue to get hotter or it may get cooler either way I think the extinction of humans is coming soon because the earth goes through different changes and when it finishes this change a mass extinction may occur. Humans possibly can affect the outcome of the atmospheric process because if what we do naturally as human cause global climate change then yea it will affect the earth and possible in a major way.

  39. I am a believer on the topic of Global Warming. The part that started to get me to believe is about where industrial revolution is the starting point of the current Global warming procedure. Another thing that made me believe is the method of predicting due to a computer modeling system. This system can predict the process of global warming. The last thing that turned me into a believer is that experts believe the facts about fossil fuels are one of the main causes of Global Warming even though they are natural to Earth. In the next 20 years I think that the temperatures are going to rise so high that Earth and the people on it will explode. Yes humans can affect the outcome because they are ruining the Earth as well as the fuels. Due to the fact that they are polluting and they are producing fuels as well as the Earth.

  40. 1. Believer
    2. Scientist thinks that human activity is the blame for global warming, while others think that the industrial revolution started it. I also think that I am a believer because many people say that the cause of global warming could be climate change.
    3. In the next 20 years, I think that the earth will change it’s ways. Like if it was hot on one part of the earth it will get colder. Or maybe it will get hotter than it is now.
    4. I think that they can, because we can control what goes into the atmosphere. I think this because we are part of the reason we are going through global warming.

  41. I can’t really pick a side with the “Is Global Warming a Myth?” thing. I do believe that humans are making it worse, but at the same time, the earth goes through natural cycles all the time. There have been ice ages before, and probably global temperature rises, too. Earth has a way of steadying itself out. The ice ages didn’t last forever, did they? They eventually ended and everything was fine. In the next twenty years, the earth might get a little hotter, but nothing too horribly bad. The winters have been getting harsher and longer also. It actually snowed here. It snowed in Florida, too. We had a huge shortage of tomatoes because they all froze and died. Because of global warming evaporating water in the ocean and bringing it over land where it froze and snowed, the earth is starting to cool itself. And that is precisely why I believe that Earth will stabilize itself. (: Anyway, humans can help if they’re worried about it by not wasting gas and electricity. Don’t leave the lights or TV on all night, and don’t leave your car on when you have to go get something out of the house “real quick.”

  42. I believe that humans have contributed to global warming but are not all to blame. Our first use of fossil fuels and other such hazardous gasses from factories have been documented to be the start of global warming. It is hard for us to entirely prove that it is true even with the advance technology we have built to better predict Earths weather. Clearly humans cannot be all to blame because there have been climate changes such as the ones we are experiencing now thousands of years before humans existed on earth. The ice age has proved that; the climate before the ice age was very different form the climate during and the climate that is today. I believe in twenty years the earth’s temperature would have risen even more to the point that we will not be able to live where live now this close to the coast, and that we will have to make changes to our everyday lives because of the temperature change and its effects on our body. Humans could possibly increase the change of the atmosphere but the overall process would be out of our hands.

  43. I am a believer of global warming
    1. The climate has changed and glaciers and ice ages are beginning to melt that has created an island. This not only effect humans but animals as well the more water we get will cause sea level to rise and all the cities will become emerged.
    2. The air pollution from humans is another cause in global warming because of the factories that produce smoke into the air causing the heat to expand in other words fossil fuels. Which are natural gasses that humans produce like when house and things burn down.
    3. The way that the season is divided is for a reason and if the heat continues then it will feel like midsummer in the winter like it is in California and Los Angeles.
    I think if we don’t do something to keep this under control that it would eventually cause us to have to move because of all the water that would be coming in.
    Yes; because the companies that produce the smoke and the pollution and oil spills that is in the water cause a fish kill and the animals will become extinct from the changes.

  44. I am stuck in between a beliver and a skeptic because of the fact that global warming could be true but then it could just be things that happen in nature that are regular that we just dont know about. I understand that 1 there is a scientist that has been studying this topic for that last 30 years but this could've happened once before we were all born. Then 2 I belive because the atmosphere is getting warmer so that is causing the ice to melt. Then the 3 I belive that chemicals could case for gloobal warming to happen because they could have acids that could make the ice melt. But other than those 2 reasons I think that global wasrming is not possible so this is why I am stuck in between beliving global warming and not beliving global warming.

    Yes, I think humans can effect the atmospehere becausee we do some many things that hurt our air by smoking, realesing chemical out into the atmosphere by factories and etc, then we pulute and now we have an oil spill. There are so many ways that we hurt our atmosphere but dont actually know it so Im glad to have nice teachers like Miss Nifong :D to teach me how to not pollute the earth or harm it. I also think that if global warming is our fault then I would belive it because the type of damage that we do to our Earth.

  45. I am a believer when it comes to global warming. Because even though we have had ice ages and ice melt before but these where caused naturally. The ice melting today is caused by pollution and waste (carbon based products), such as cars releasing CO2 and landfills having too much trash that takes hundreds of years to decompose. The section said that stimulation had been made and it does not look good for the earth with a warmer climate. Other scientists say that simulations can not be exactly correct because not all the factors are accounted for. This could also mean that our models are underestimating the climate. This is why I believe that global warming is currently occurring.

  46. • I am a believer because I believe that when Global Warning takes place we all are going to be shocked.
    • People can sense Global Warming- Many of sources that human’s cause- The climate has changed.
    • That Global Warming will get worse and that something tragic is going to happen, and then humans will stop doing some of the sources that they are doing now to stop it or to make it get less worse.
    • Yes, how? Because humans are doing things that are making Global Warming worse Why? Why are humans doing this one, because some of them don’t know any better two, because there to lazy to cooperate, three sometimes they are accidents

  47. I am a believer because the sea levels are rising which is caused by the ice caps melting. The ice caps are melting because of the ocean heating up which is caused by the sun moving closer to the earth. Another sign of global warming is the pollution from people that harms our animals which will Cause many animal extensions. For example someone throws a piece of plastic on the beach and a seagull accidently gets the plastic wrapped around its neck. Also another sign of global warming is the greenhouses releasing too much carbon dioxide which warms up the earth which is another cause for the ice caps melting. I think in the next 20 years there will only be insects left on the earth and humans, no animals. We humans will be forced to live on the water instead of land because with the ice caps melting, the sea is rising and will cause the land to go underwater. Yes, humans can affect the outcome of atmospheric process by driving vehicles and managing factories. The factories and cars release gases that can travel to the layers and break down the layers in the atmospheres.

  48. I believe that global warming is happening. In the reading they say that people have been focusing more on the change in the climate of the earth because of the fact that there may be global warming. John Harte says that “Our current climate models are underestimating the magnitude for future warming,” so that makes me believe that global warming does exist because the earth is getting warmer. Also because of the fact that John Harte has been recording the climate of the earth over 30 years and can tell from his recordings that the world is getting warmer also makes me believe that there is really global warming going on. I think in the next 20 years because of global warming places will start to sink into the ocean because of the melting of the glaciers which make the sea level rise. Yes I think they could if they stop polluting the air with different gases and chemicals.

  49. I believe that global warming is real. In the article the scientists mention that the industrial revolution marked the start of global warming. I agree with that because I think the different gases and fumes are getting into the atmosphere and causing the earth to heat up. Another reason I believe global warming is that the glaciers haven’t been melting forever so we had to have done something to start it. According to the article one of the scientists said that he doesn’t think the future looks very good for certain places, implying that some places may be below sea level. Yes, I think that humans can affect the outcome because we were the ones that started it with all of the big machines that we use. A way that we could help is try to find renewable resources and don’t pollute.

  50. Global Warming is a very confusing topic. It’s hard to say whether I am a believer or a skeptic. I am heading more to the side of a skeptic. I believe that humans do have something to do with our world going through what people think is global warming. For example, pollution, the oil leaks, Littering and not recycling things that should be are all things that are causing our world to change. I don’t really believe that the earth is going through global warming because of natural causes. One my observations of this was when I read what a scientist said which was, "If the world was warmer in 1200 AD than today, and far colder in the year 1400, why would we blame current temperatures trends on auto exhausts?" Another reason why I am is a skeptic is because The earth has also heated up many times in earth history and ice ages have gone through which have not been that destructive to our earth. Even though I do believe that humans do have some kind of effect of the world changing I still think that the world is just going through a process and not Global Warming. Because of believing this I think that our world will not go through any massive changes. I think in 20 years it will be the same because like I said before, I think that the earth is just going through its normal process and that’s it.

  51. I believe that there is such thing as Global Warming. The earth has been getting hotter in some places and colder in others. When there was an ice age, there weren’t any toxic chemicals, or pollution from humans to cause Global Warming. So I think that Global Warming is caused by two things, humans, and a cycle. There could possibly be an unwritten cycle that happens, were the earth freezes, and or gets really hot. Humans have spilt oil in oceans, polluted the earth with trash, polluted the air with cars, and have ripped a hole in the ozone layer. All of those things have contributed to Global Warming. In 20 years I think that the world will have more water, or more ice. The world might get colder or hotter. We need to stop polluting the earth with thrash and oil, and toxicants’.

  52. In my outlook I believe that global warming is taking place. Global warming is exceptionally conceptual and it isn’t a distinct event. I consider global warming to be a natural cause and also human activity. I think humans contribute to global warming by air pollution, the overuse of fossil fuels, and littering. “Leading climate alarmists claim that global greenhouse gas emissions need to decrease to 60 percent below present levels by 2050 if humans are to avoid catastrophic climate change”, http://www.globalwarming.org/category/global-warming-101/ stated. Natural causes also affect our global warming such as: the sun, volcanoes, and plate activity. “Glaciers are melting, the ice caps disappearing into the oceans. Sea levels may rise by many meteors as a consequence”, from Richard Black. From his predictions this tells me that maybe 20 years from now we might be underneath the water. Also by the rate we are going to the world will be much polluted. We obligate ourselves essentially convert the technique we control our global economy, changing away from a century’s inheritance of abandoned fossil fuel use and its connected productions in search of more capable and renewable sources of energy. I Think the humans can affect the upshot of it if they discontinue polluting because they are making everything worse

  53. I AM a believer of global warming, not to be a hypocrite or anything, but there Earth has had snow and that does not show me that Global Warming is in effect. For example the climate has changed over the last couple of year. Fossil fuels are on main cause. The leaking of these fossil fuels, like the oil spill, has caused the earth to eat up. In my opinion there are also some natural causes. I believe the sun cause the glaciers to melt. By the melting of those glaciers the remaining water becomes a part of the ocean. Our sea level will eventually rise and cause us to be underwater. John Harte has stated that wildfires are the cause of global warming and that the people that live in the West should be worried about it. In 20 years I think that after the skeptical people see the change in the atmosphere they will soon realize that global is real and it is a serious thing. They might also think that they should have taken heed of what the believers were believed. Humans can affect the outcome of atmospheric processes because as I said before, the leaking of the fossil fuels may cause the earth to heat. Another reason that I just realized is the throwing away of batteries. If you throw away a battery the acid could leak out and easily cause something to heat up. That’s a reason why we should recycle our batteries.

  54. Based on the article, I would consider myself a skeptical believer. I think that global warming is a natural occurring process, that many people seen to over think about. I believe that global warming occurred from all natural and human causes that led to it. Evidence from the article of why I am a skeptical believer would be “But while many scientists agree that air pollution at that time started the current trend and that human activity is to blame, others believe that climate change is part of the natural global progression, and that human activity will neither worsen nor improve our situation.” I believe that climate change is a part of the natural global process. But I don’t agree that the human activity will either worsen or improve the situation. I believe that humans can do either one of those. “Fossil fuels, although it may be a significant cause of global warming, is unavoidable in modern society.” I believe that that is also a true statement because fossil fuels are formed by natural resources. “The method of predicting future trends is based on computer modeling, and many scientists argue that there are too many variable factors to effectively see the big picture.” It is not proven to be that all things observed by computer technology are accurate. I am not sure about what may happen over the next 20 year because I think that there is an uncertain amount of things that may happen because they are not accurate on there studies and there isn’t much evidence of the global warming, because some scientist are skeptical and some are believers. But I think that over the next 20 years global warming will change by a great amount and the little effects of global warming will lead to big problems eventually. Yes, humans can affect the outcome of atmospheric problems. The large amount of pollution that humans cause that is caused from littering. Toxic gases that are near from the pollution because when it is in the air it damages the ozone layer.

  55. I am neither a skeptic nor a believer. Some scientists say that it is human production of greenhouse gases from burning of fossil fuels and forests. The cholorfloro carbons (CFCs) that are from man-made machinery enter the atmosphere and damages the ozone layer that protects us for the Sun’s harmful rays. They have updated their information in 2010 of August. Now people try to get some of the places on earth where pollution is bad to recycle, save electricity, and less gases to lower the CFCs we enter into the atmosphere. Other scientist say that it isn’t the humans causing global warming but it is nature its self that cause it. They say that Earth is having a long-term warming trend over the last century and that since the Earth in the past had a drastic time period of the Ice age, that they think it’s just the opposite of that period. With the human theory I think in the next 20 years Antarctica would melt and rise the sea level and force people to higher ground. With the nature theory I think in 20 years the long-term warming would pass and switch to being every cold.

  56. I am not a beliver nor a skeptic. Gases from cars and vehicles destroy the athensosphere. But green house gases from burning fossil fuels. Scientists updated the information on global warming in august of 2010. Also they are trying to find were pollution is the worst to try and influence people to recycle. Also save electricity and lower CFCS. Scientists also say it isnt the humans causing global warming its nature itself. They say that the earth has always been warming and people have just paid more attention to it over the past century. I think in the next 20 years that alot of the glaciers in the world would have melted down in great amounts and raise the sea levels. I think that humans have an effect to a certain extent such as recycling and using less electricity etc. But us as humans can only do so much because like scientists say the earth is also doing it itself.

  57. Global Warming has been the topic of everyone's cinversations these days. I personaly don't believe in Global Warming. I think that the Earth is heating itself up naturaly like it did before after the Ice Age. I agree with Petr Chylek who said "Scientists who want to attract attention to themselves, who want to attract great funding to themselves, have to (find a) way to scare the public…and this you can achieve only by making things bigger and more dangerous than they really are". I think scientist are just trying to scare people to using less plastic and more reusable bottles to save money because of our economic state. In 1200 AD it was warmer than it is today, so if the climate is cooling than why are people saying that the Earth is heating up. In twenty years I belive the Earth will be the same way it is today, a little bit more efficent and less polluted, but still the same way climate wise. The people of Earth have a little effect on the atmosphere, because if we keep using non reusable things (trash) then we might run out of places to put all of it so we might ship it up to space and dump it there. Then it might travel back down to Earth and create acid rain or make the air so toxic that it won't be safe enough to breathe.

  58. I am a skeptic. I do not belive in global warming. I think it is just a way for scientist to get money. I think that Co2 emissions do effect the cycle slightly but I believe there are other causes for this so called global warming. I think that the Earth is heating up in a natural cycle. The Earth has been heating up and cooling down since the begining of time. I think that if it was really a big deal, supporters like Al Gore wouldn't have energy bills in the thousands.

  59. I'm skeptical of Global Warming, I am leaning on that it is a natural process of Earth. It has been recorded over time, of processes that are the same. The Earth, "cleans" itself, and this isn't nessicarily a bad thing. CO2 isn't bad. With out it we wouldn't be able to live. But, the only problem is too much is being produced. So, in essencem, we ARE heating up. Just not how and why the Global Warming Theory said it does.
