Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To Clone or Not to Clone

To Clone or Not to Clone

Read/search through the following website regarding the issue of cloning. Complete your debate template and report in preparation for the class discussion.
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Human Genome Project Information: Cloning


  1. I think that if we work out all of the "kinks" in the cloning process it can be very beneficial. It can be used to produce larger amounts of food which could help solve the world's hunger problem. It could be used to create large amounts of crops and animals with a desired trait. I could make the prices on food and many other animal-produced products go down by a lot. If we can work this out I think it will be a giant leap forward for mankind.

  2. Overall this topic is interesting; however, it is difficult to find a direct stand point for this topic. I have found many useful facts to put in the template and the report. So far I am leaning on the side for cloning. Based on the facts so far cloning isn't really a bad idea. It could provide us more food, less endangered speicies, etc. Also there was a section stating that sooner or later the scientist would use therapeutic cloning to provide humans with more organs for their organ system, but these experiments are very expensive.

  3. Cloning, like many other topics, have multiple pros and cons. Cloning is done mainly for the benefit of the human population. Some animals are cloned, and they are modeled so that we can study diseases. Cloned animals usually appear to be healthy, but they may die the next day because some of their organs are not functioning properly. Crops are cloned to produce more food to feed the growing population. The crops may have a negative impact on the environment. Transgenes can be transferred during cross-pollination and the flora and fauna biodiversity may decrease. Cloning is a very controversial topic and after researching about it, I agree.

  4. My initial thought was that cloning sounded weird and was very science fiction. But, it actually has a lot of benefits and could potentially be used to clone humans. I thought cloning was just used to make copies of animals or people but it’s really used to: treat conditions, repopulate endangered animals, and reproduce animals with special qualities (like drug-producing or models for studying human diseases). However, most of the benefits are outweighed by the cons of cloning which is why I’m not really in support of it. First of all, it’s expensive, inefficient, and 90% of cloning attempts fail to produce healthy offsprings that can survive. Plus, most cloned animals are more prone to diseases, infection, and are born very large. Most die at young ages and some die without an identifiable cause. Although there may be many benefits it seems to me that the risks are too high to even think of beginning to clone humans or other endangered animals. I believe more testing should be done before scientist decide to began the cloning process with the human race

  5. This topic about cloning i think is a good idea, i have read and seen how cloning is very beneficial. Cloning could help us have less endangered species, more food and other things. The most thing i have found interesting is the therapeutic cloning for humans. This is interesting because it can produce healthy cells that can replace damaged cells, which would make peoples lives better.

  6. Cloning is most comparable to animal testing for products like make-up. Though it can be harmless, it is often very harmfull to the animals. Scientists use cloning techniques to do lots of thing like give animals traits they don't need, just to see if they can do it, and it is usually bad for the animal. The only ethical thing I see that comes from cloning is the mass production of things like insulin using bacteria, which makes the same quality insulin as other methods but it can now be sold for cheaper.

  7. At first I only believed in cloning in movies but I learned that it has been going on for some years now in reality. I think that cloning isn't so bad as long as they are cloning because of something good. It is okay unless they are just cloning humans and other organisms for no specific reason at all and not to help the world out. Then again cloning is also bad because we are messing with mother nature. How? Because the clones most likely wouldn't have exsisted if thier was no such thing as cloning. I am with it but only for the good parts if we are cloning for the unreasonable then it should not be allowed.

  8. At first I thought cloning was unethical, until I read about all of the benefits cloning can produce. I’ve always heard the negative arguments for cloning, but now that I’ve seen the positive side I’ve changed my opinion about it. The fact that most of the cloned animals die very young or don’t develop at all is a problem, and so is the cost. If scientists could make cloning cheaper and more efficient I think it would be a more accepted practice. With cloning we could create more animals that produce pharmaceuticals, which would make them cheaper, and we could create transplant organs for people without donors. I believe that cloning would be much less controversial if we made it safer and more efficient.

  9. I feel that cloning animals or anything for that matter is wrong. I understand that there are some perks to using cloning, but this technology is very unreliable and could potentially harm the organisims being experimented on. Producing healthy organs for those in need and keeping species from becoming endangered could effect society in a very negative way. If we clone for those reasons population of species could rise and our resources won't be able to support everyone. CLoning is helpful, but in the end I feel that it will just create problems.

  10. When we started talking about cloning in our class discussions yesterday i thought that it was a bad idea for so many different reasons. Now that i have done a little more research and seen a better view of things i am kind of in the middle. I say this because cloning is not always "cloning" there is a way that "cloning" can treat a disease or even help himan development. . . whitch is a good thing but it also has some cons to is such as: making another species or organism form the DNA or material from the nucleus of another animal meaning if the animal that they are takin this DNA frin carries a disease the cloned animal now has this disease also. So its just something to think about.

  11. Cloning technology is an amazing field, yet is far from being fully useful. Cloning could allow for mass production of medicine and other, create entire organs for transplant, repopulate endangered species, and allow livestock and crops to be mass produced around the world, but it is very expensive and not entirely reliable over ninety percent of cloning attempts fail and those that do succeed often have problems with abnormal genes or organs. Hopefully one day this technology can be used to its full potential but until then it is far from a reality.

  12. Yesterday in class we started talking about cloning and I thought it was a bad idea at first for a numerous amount of reasons. But after reading this article I think it is a good idea. After I read the little thing about Dolly the sheep and how they had to put her down because of lung cancer and crippling arthritis and when they examined her nothing was wrong because of the cloning process. I am in the middle of cloning is alright because for example if someone had a disease and they knew that their kid was going to have it before it was born and they could go in and get rid of that disease then it is ok. If someone wanted their kid to have blue eyes and they could clone something to give that kid blue eyes then that is ok to as long as it would harm them. But for another example if people wanted to clone an animal to see how it would could out and the animal they clone has a horrible disease and they clone it the cloned animal also has that disease because they are taking that animals DNA and they clone it making that animal have the same as the animal they clone.

  13. My feed back on cloning technology is somewhat skepital, in regards to the way I feel about it. From the research on that page, I liked some of the ideas in the beginning, that were explaining the different types of animals that have been cloned and how organs could be cloned for transplants. I thought that was a nice idea to do, that could really help humans. But then to think about the potential risk to come about in human cloning was kind of scary. Because the risk from cloning animals were not little problems, but they were problems that led to death. In the research I found that animals have short life spans,but are cloned or living healthy, and have mysterious, unknown deaths. Just the thought about what could happen to cloned humans is kind of scary looking at what happened to animals. Because what happended to the animals is highly likelywhat will happen to humans. Overall I think that cloning isnt too bad of an idea, but before it is really considered a lot of things, technology wise should be checked and accurate for use. Eventhough there were some things I didnt understand, as far as why scientist would do that, I still think its a good idea as long as its used in the right way, like for transplant and endangered species is what I consider to be accurate use. But I don't think that cloning humans is a justified decision and is very dangerous and harmful.

  14. As soon as the topic of cloning was breached, I thought “Sci-fi movie”; however after reading this article I found there are many present day issues that could potentially be solved by cloning. The cloning of crops and animals could be used to feed the world’s population, and the cloning of wildlife could end the extinction of animals. If certain species were to go extinct, it could potentially affect the whole food chain, even to the human level. Although the pros appear to be very important things, just like every other experiment, there is always a negative side. In the article it states that we don’t always know how the cloned organisms are developing and if their organs will function properly. If major crops were cloned to increase the food for the population and these crops had something wrong with them that went by undetected so they got out to the population, these crops could harm a multitude of the population. Sometimes the ends justify the means, but I don’t think they do here. With something as large as the world’s population, taking risks like cloning food and animals doesn’t seem like a good choice. Furthermore, if scientists were to clone humans, they still would be unable to predict the outcome. No one could know for sure how the cloned humans would turn out. It’s portrayed all the time in science fiction movies about evil clones taking over the world, but in reality we couldn’t be sure something bad wouldn’t happen due to these clones. Cloning could be life saving, but it could also be life threatening.

  15. Cloning is something i thought was not realistic or serious until i read that link. Cloning technology is new way in helping the agriculture and health field of the economy. Little did i know that cloning has be going on for many years (ever since 1952) The cloning procedure has its benifits. By producing modified food, animals and organs, it helps with keeping the higher risk down of having a disease tranfered in them. The ide of having a animal organs tranplanted into humans is kind of "ify." Having animals organs inside your body could be good because if you aree in need of a rogan then there would be a doner. However, the animal's organ can tranfer a fatal disease. With reproduction cloning it can be good to have more healthy animals to eat, however, they do not live for long. The idea of clonging does have its benifits, BUT it looks as if the negative and positive outcomes are balanced.

  16. I used to feel cloning was bad and unethical before I started reading into the issue and learning about what cloning does for us today. There are many pros to cloning such as making medicines through DNA cloning and making tissues/organs to help with diseases. On the other hand, there are many cons as well. Cloning animals usually fails over 90 percent of the time to produce offspring that survives. Cloned animals, if they survive, usually become ill and die young. I guess if I really think it through cloning is a good thing in most cases. Without cloning diabetics would not have enough insulin to live and we would not have some of the medicines we have today. Also, cloning is allowing scientists to try and find cures/ways to fix certain deadly or harmful diseases.

  17. Cloning is divided up into 3 different categories. I agree with all these different methods because it makes use more advanced scientifically and helps save live. The main reason i agree with this is because it saves lives. It may not be all natural but at least a person can keep living because of this. So i think it is ok to clone as long as it is not harmful and actually can make a difference in some one's life. Yes i am aware that the therapeutic cloning eliminates a embryo in some cases because they need the stem cells but the embryo cannot feel it.

  18. Well my prospecting about cloning is that it’s a good technology. I believe if they work more in this technology and do much more experiments they could discover more things and make the technology much more advance. That would make the technology work more and there would be less money spent on this technology. I mean if there is technologies that will produce more food that is clone why not use it. Maybe in the future we will need to use it because we might lose some recourse and if we have something that produces more than that will help us. As long it don’t affect humans why not use it.

  19. My view about cloning is that if we work out all the problems it will be very useful and helpful to the world whether it is throughout the agriculture or the health of humans. However I do feel as if cloning will affect the human population one way or another. Cloning is very unreliable because out of every one hundred or so of the clones only about one or two of them will work. Most clones are I think going to do more damage because they die early and they have poor health so why risk killing other organisms by taking the DNA from an older organism and putting it into the new organism, so they will end up not living a long time. Cloning more animals allows for newer generations and in a quicker amount of time, there is a long process however I feel that would be a waste of time. I am really on the fence because I can’t really tell just yet whether or not I am for cloning or against cloning. Just because to me there are a lot of pros and cons to both sides rather than this just being a short process a lot of money and time goes into cloning the organisms and debating the outcomes of the new technology.
