Wednesday, December 2, 2009

The Lorax: Follow-Up

1. What does the Lorax symbolize? Once-ler? Thneed?
2. Which “cause” from the book has the biggest effect on the environment? Justify your answer with 2-3 supporting details.
3. What current real-world environmental issue is having the biggest effect on the environment? Justify your answer with 2-3 supporting details.
4. What are some solutions (big and small) to current environmental issues? How can you make a difference? What does it mean to be “GREEN?”


  1. 1. I think Lorax is a lot like our environmentalist todays, standing up for the environment because the environment can't stand up for it's self. And i think Once-ler is suppose to represent man kind, and Thneed was suppose to stand for our resources. Because like Once-ler we use our "Thneeds" for our benefits only and at time we don't keep the aspect of the environment in mind.

    2. I believe the biggest cause in the book that affected the environment the most was when Once-ler gave the seed to "us" (the reader). I understand the fact that what Once-ler did was a large cause too, cutting down all the Truffla Trees, and detroying the habitats. But i don't the effect will be anywhere as big as what he's trying to do now. He's trying to save the environment, and undo what he did wrong. And who's to say the new tree they plant won't be better?

    3. I think Global Warming is having the biggest environmental impact on the world. I think this because not only is Global Warming causing the temperture to rise, but it's also causing ice to melt which will one point flood the Earth. Not only that, the gases that cause Global Warming is thinning out the Ozone causeing UV rays to come in. Being expose to this UV ray for a long period of time can cause skin cancer.

    4. Some ways to resolve environmental issues is reduce and reuse. We all know it's impossible to completely stop using harmful products in our every day life. So the least we can do is use the minimum amount of it. Also we can increase the level of recycling, which will decrease the amount of production. I believe i can make a difference by doing the 3 R's, Reduce Reuse and Recycle. And being "GREEN" is being concious of our environment.

  2. 1. I think that the Lorax represents the environment. He is kind of like the voice that the environment doesn't have. The Once-ler represents us because we take what we need instead of thinking "does this destroy the environment?" Thneeds represents the things we take from the environment to make what we want.
    2. The biggest cause to me was when the Once-ler gave us the last hope for the Truffla Trees. He finally realized what he did wrong, and now he is trying to fix his mistakes by giving it to someone who cares. He is finally trying to save the environment instead of destroy.
    3. I think Global Warming is a big issue to the environment. It heats up the Earth and melts ice. So animals down there are losing there hunting and living environment. People are realizing this. I just hope it is not to late.
    4. A way to resolve environmental issue is stop drivng so much. Plus you dont really need a fancy car like a hummer. An electric car is not as nice as a hummer, but we might not have diesel fuel forever. I think I can make a difference by carpooling, not driving to unnecessary places, and maybe buy a car that does not run on diesel fuel. To me "GREEN" means thinking about the world before we make a choice.

  3. 1.The Lorax was like a person that could say what the trees needed to. The Once-ler is the type of guy that represents everybody in the world. The Thneeds represent the things that we don't really need but we still make and slowly destoy our enviroment.
    2.The cause that really affects the enviroment is when the Once-ler gets greedy and it ruins the enviroment. He gets money hungry because he got a little taste of what easy money is like.
    3.The current real-world event that is affecting our enviroment is pollution. We pollute with everything from cars to just dropping a little piece of trash. Another big issue that is going on is global warming.
    4.The way to stop our enviromental problems is to cut down on driving and to start recycling. We can also cut down on the types of cars that we drive because some are unhealthy for the enviroment. I can make a difference by recycling,beach sweeps, and carpooling. To be GREEN you have to be courteous to the enviroment and think before you do something that might have a big impact on the enviroment.

  4. 1. The Lorax symbolizes an envorinmentally conscious person who really cares for their surroundings and nature all in all. The Onceler really symbolizes modern society in construction or fashion or any industry that is not educated on their impact on the environment. The thneeds represent something that society has a high demand for and uses our resources. This could be wood, paper, oil, or anything else that uses a nonrenewable resource.
    2. The cause from the book that had the biggest effect was from the Onceler cutting down the trees for the thneeds. He had all these reasons as to why people wanted thneeds and then he proceeded even after the Lorax warned him.
    3. The current real-world environmental issue that has the biggest impact on the environment would have to be the use of Gasoline and Oil. Oil is made from nonrenewable resources (Dinosaur Bones) and it is going faster than it is coming. Not only are we depleting our resources, but we're harming the air we breathe. CO2 is emitted into the atmosphere every time someone drives. With over 6.43 million people driving just in the USA, imagine how it is on a GLOBAL scale. It truly is scary.
    4. REDUCE REUSE RECYCLE. I use these three things everyday. Use less plates and napkins, reuse those grocery bags, drive less, walk more, and look at everything before you buy it. Some environmentally- friendl items are expensive. But, look at the facts. Some are just putting it on the label when other products are the same thing. Being "green" means to do things that are beneficial to the environment. I think it refers to the green in the leaves when a plant is healthy.

  5. 1. The Lorax symbolizes the environmentalists we have today, the people that stand up and spread the word about the evironment. The Once-ler symbolizes the person that thinks about the evironment every once in a while but thinks that "business is business", then he realizes that what he did to the environment when it's too late, when what he did has been done. The Thneed symbolizes all the stuff that we make with the environment. Houses, tables, paper, plenty of things.

    2. The biggest cause that had an effect on the environment was the factory becasue since it made all the "schmuckity-schmuck" the "swamie-swans" had to leave and so did other animals and creatures because of the smog and stuff like that.

    3. Today's real-world situation that has the biggest effect on the environment is Gasoline and Oil. They are made with non-renewable resources and when cars use it and they drive, the air is polluted.

    4. Some ways to help the environment is:
    -use public transportation you can have 15 cars with 1 person or 1 bus with 15 people.
    -if your in close proximity to where your going, walk, run, or ride and unmotorized vehicle.
    -cut down! on most things like water you can cut down simply by turning off the water.
    -use reusable bags! Paper? Plastic? Neither.
    You can make a difference by doing all or just one of these and many other things. The little things count too. Being "green" means to help out the environment, in anyway you can.

  6. 1. The Lorax, a book we read, symbolizes a person who stood up for the good side. And the Once-ler was a casual man that retold the story, somewhat like an elder or grandpa:]. He was able to tell the story as it is because he, himself, was there. He took things for granted, until he finally saw what he had done. Then the Thneeds represents as an object, somewhat as a resource. The thneeds took a long process to recreate, therefore it the Lorax was very cautious about the envoirment.
    2. I would have to say that the cause with the biggest effect is the momment the Once-ler handed the seed away. He couldn't do much now, since he has already done enough. Whenever the Once-ler passed the seed on, I think he could figure out that he indeed did something wrong. He wanted to fix the problem, by growing more Truffula Trees. Maybe this indicates that we are the future to a better planet. I also think that the Once-ler wants us to learn from his mistake.
    3. Global warming is a current real-world envoirmental issue. Too much air condition, has done great damamge to our planet. Polar Bears are suffering from human actions. I like polar bears. I believe that this issue is well known by many, but still they continue to ignore it. Many funds has been held to help this problem, but the ice is melting by the second. Global Warming isn't going to solve itself, thus we need to reduce our usage of air condition.
    4. Some solutions to these matters include the littlest things. It takes baby steps before you actually start walking. Some ways to help the envoirment is go outside more often. Don't stay inside all day. Walk to places, instead of riding cars. Recycle water bottles after drinking it. Unplugging electronics after using. Picking up after your dog. Clean up at your local park. And at the beach. Buy organic items, no chemicals intended. Create a compost after your scrapes. Plant a garden in your backyard. I've made a difference in my own actions, by recycling at my school. I never acutally recycle, and now I do often! Being "GREEN" is when you think of the envoirment when doing anything. You put the envoirment into thought whenever making any simple decision. In today's generation, we are facing the "GREEN" side of almost everything.

  7. 1) Dr. Seuss's "The Lorax" is all about symbolism. The character Lorax is supposed to represent the modern day naturalist or someone who is very conscious about the environment. Once-ler is merely a human in the contempo world, he is someone who wants to make money and move up in society. Thneed emblematizes our world's resources, in the story the Thneed tried to protect the trees but even with his perseverance Thneed failed.

    2) The thing in the story that has the largest impact on the environment is the factory. The constant cutting down of trees affects the Earth but it is the factory that really destroyed the Thneed's life. With factories comes waste, air pollutants, and a product. Out of the issues that come from having a factory the product is the worst. A product means the factory can keep running and running until a product can no longer be produced. At the end of the "products" life it will be thrown into a landfill never to be used again. This creates even more environmental troubles.

    3) The excess waste in landfills and global warming are two real-world issues that are having very big impacts on our lives. Landfills are the closest "after-life" a piece of garbage is ever going to have, even recyclables are lumped in with the UN-usable trash. Global warming is the rapid heating of the Earth's surface, this is caused by many things but the outcome of global warming is what we really need to worry about. Animals across the world are going extinct because of this phenomenon. We will no longer be accompanied by polar bears when we take trips to Arctic or exotic fishes when we travel to the sea. Global warming is taking over and it is time to stop it in its tracks.

    4) To cut down on all the waste that ends up in the landfills more people can recycle. Along with recycling, using less water would greatly benefit the Earth. An easy way to cut down on using so much water is to turn off the faucet while brushing your teeth. Another simple change is taking shorter showers, not only will the Earth thank you your water bill will too! Some things I personally can do to help the environment are to carpool more often and recycle more than I do now. Green is today's word for being environmentally aware. To be "green" means to not waste and to have a tiny carbon footprint. It is wonderful thing to be "green."

  8. 1. In my opinion, the Lorax symbolized the person that we refer to as a “tree hugger”. That person is one who wants everything to have a fair chance at living. They don’t want the planet destroyed and choose to live side by side nature. Once-ler represented the people who are all about helping themselves. Yes, everyone deserves the chance to survive, but that does not mean you should use someone else’s opportunity. The Thneed represented all of the resources that we consume each day. It also represents the environment itself. Although we cannot listen to the environment through our ears, we can still listen with our eyes. We can see all of the pollution and litter sitting around digging deeper into the earth. Another way the message that the environment needs help is shown by defenseless organisms dying. When you think about it, that message is crystal clear.
    2. The cause that had the biggest effect on the environment was the Lorax. Without him, the Once-ler wouldn’t have understood what he had done. The Lorax opened his eyes and made him see his wrong doing clearly for the first time. Since the Once-ler understood thoroughly, he tried to fix what he had done. He actually turned the negative effect into a positive effect by giving life to the future.
    3. The current environmental issue that is having the biggest effect on the environment is laziness and just not caring. Most people think that trying to help the earth is a waste of their time. Others want to help the earth but they either believe that they don’t have time or that changing their habits won’t do very much to make a difference. Well for those that think it’s a waste of their time it’s not. What is really being wasted is their money. If you reuse, you are saving money that you would most likely need for later. That is one way already that you are helping yourself and the environment. For those who want to help but don’t think they can, you thought wrong also. There are millions of ways to help the earth. Everything you do for the earth in a positive way will make a difference no matter how small. It cold be from planting a tree all the way to cutting off the light switch not being used. You won’t necessarily have to commit all of your time to helping the earth.
    4. Some solutions would be to spread the word. Also to recycle and to plant. By spreading the word you could be bettering the chance for the environments survival when everyone is doing something positive. When you recycle you could lessen the use of resources and help animals keep their homes. Planting will help the most to me. When you plant you are making a whole new future with every seed. This would also help animals keep their homes and carbon dioxide wouldn’t dominate the air. Everything would have more oxygen and there would be a chance of less harmful gases lingering in the air.

  9. 1.)I think that the Lorax symbolizes the Earth. I think that the Once-ler symbolizes humans. And I think that the Thneed symbolizes our environment.
    2.)I think that the cutting down of thneds caused the most problems. For instance it caused the birds to leave, the fish to leave, and it caused the pond to be filthy.
    3.)A big problem in todays society is that we have these huge land fills. The problem is that they just keep getting bigger and bigger. They are a real problem because they are taking up land. And also that they are polluting OUR EARTH.
    4.)Three good solutions to this problem is to use recycleable goods. Another is that we could use recycling bens. And last but not least is that we can more encourage the recycling of plastics and such things.

  10. 1. I think the Lorax is meant to represent a enviromentalist or someone who could give you the harsh truth about what you are doing to the helpless trees since they can not do anything to stop you. The Onc-ler is supposed to represent modern day people. He is a typical person in todays society who is selfish and doesn't think of the outcome until it is to late and brought to his attention. Now for the Thneeds, I believe this is any of our nonrenewuable resources that we continue to use even though we know one day the will be gone.
    2.I think the cause that had the biggest effect on the enviroment was when the Onc-er was cutting down the trees and using up all the thneeds. But the Lorax giving him a second chance by giving a seed to plant had a positive effect allowing the negative one to somewhat blow over even though it was still bad.
    3. I believe the most current day issue is probably the use of our nonrenwable resources such as oil or gasoline. Once they are gone we cant renew them. So its in our best consideration to use it wisley.
    4.Some solutions we could use to help the current day problems is by
    -riding bikes
    -using public transportation
    -car pooling
    -getting enviromentally efficiant cars
    These are oinly some of the many ways we can help the enviroment and save it from complete deplition. Now everyone is saying go "GREEN" but what does it really mean? Green means doing whats best for the enviorment and thinking of it as our home and taking care of it because without it we wouldnt have anything. SO being "GREEN" means thinking and doing for the enviroment before you do something for your self.

  11. The Lorax reprents the few people who still care about our environment. The once-ler represents the poeple filled with greed who dont care about their impact on the environment. The Thneed represents our limited reasources.

    2. The main cause that has the bigeest affect on the environment is the once-ler building his factory which polluted the water and drove many of the animals away.

    3. Today's biggest current environmental issue is automobile excess, polluting the air. Cars are built in factories, which pollutes the local waters. Cars realese exhaust into the air which pollutes the air.

    4. Some soulutions to our environmental crises is to Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Being "green" means to be environmentally friendly.

  12. 1) The Lorax symbolizes what we call today "hippies" he actually thinks about the long term affect on what an item has on the world.
    The Once-ler symbolizes the people who don't think/care about the long term affect on the world.
    The Thneed sybolizes the nonrenewable resources that we use everyday and not even think about that one day we are not going to have any left.

    2) The biggest cause would be the Once-ler. The Onceler would be the biggest cause because he cut down the Truffla trees which are symbolized as nonremewable resources. Because of the Once-ler becoming greedy he built a factory that caused pollution, so the animals living there had to go in search of a new place to live.

    3) The environmental issue we are currently going through is all the trash we use and throw away without a care in the world on where it goes and how long an item will take to decompose. Some of the items thrown in the landfil could be recycled to be used again.

    4) Some soulutions to our environmental issues is to put the three R's into play, Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Being "green" means to think of what you can do as a person to make this enviroment better in the long run, for you and the generations to come.

  13. 1. I think that the Lorax represents Mother nature's response on how we abuse our own Enviornment. The Once-ler represents regular people like us that only cares about if he or she is doing good in the business and not seeing how they are affecting the enviornment. the Thneed is like a resource.

    2. I think that the Once-ler had the biggest cause. Because her builds a factory and then the fishes dont hum anymore and the birds dont sing anymore and there is less food. The Trucks aswell affect the Enviornment because they produce air pollution.

    3. I think that Pollution and litering have the biggest effect on the Enviornment. Well since there are so many cars in the world it causes air pollution and it all goes into the air where the birds fly and then they could end up getting sick. Litering is another problem because if you liter out in the ocean a fish or any animals would try to eat the trash then they would either end up choked or they will be strangled in the trash. It also is an issue on land because everything I go around town I ALWAYS see trash laying around on the side of the roads

    4. Some solutions to solve current enviornmental issues is to get hybrid cars, ride the car with a friend that works at the same job with you, if you see liter on the ground PICK IT UP. to be GREEN means to take care of your enviornment and to think about what you do before you do it and say will this impact the enviornment.

    1. I am an AP Language Teacher, who teaches the book. While the character of the Lorax can be analyzed in different ways, I have found that the Lorax best represents mother nature, and his warnings symbolize mother nature's warnings such as increase in storms, extinction, global warming, ect. You were the only one to call the Lorax a symbol of mother nature, and I appreciated that!

  14. 1. The Lora kinda symbolizes the people that want to help stop pollution. The Once-Ler symbolizes all the people that really don't care. The thneed would symbolize all the creatures and trees that are being killed and cut down.

    2. The biggest cause of the pollution was the Once-Ler. He started out as a smal business, and he got so money hungry, he grew and grew until all the Truffla trees were gone.

    3. I think cars are the biggest problem of polluton we have today. We use a lot of resources to build the roads the cars travel on. And not to mention how much the cars pollute the environment.

    4. Some ways to reduce pollution is to reduce reuse and to recycle. Many people already do it, but we need to get more people to do it so it can make a bigger impact on the environment that is positive.

  15. The lorax symbolizes the earth in way because he defending it and telling the once-ler that he is destroying earth by cutting down all the trees. When the lorax cuts down all the trees, it cause the enviroment to become all dark and gloomy. Trees provide oxygen and life for the earth and if you take them away, your not going to have a good ending to this situation. The biggest effect on todays earth is people liottering, we dont think about the effect of us putting recycling in the trash and when we throw trash out on the side of the rode. a animal could try and eat the trash and could possibly die or be injured. Some solution to our problems is we can start recycling. Also, we could plant trees in our yard to help get rid of toxic from cars. And last, we could just be aware of the impact of us on earth and how we are effecting our enviroment.

  16. 1: The Lorax symbolizes the environmentals or the people that really care about the environment. They also dont believe that anything they buy or use will harm the world. The Once-ler symbolizes us humans. That what we do does harm the environment. The Thneed symbolizes the trees that were cut down.

    2:The biggest cause was when the Once-ler cut down the tree. When he did his work by cuting down the tre, the Lorax pops out of the woods and says, "I speak for the trees". But that doesnt hold any wait to the Oncer-ler.

    3: Polution is having the biggest effect on or evironment. People just dont car and they do it anyway. Polution is not just the simple fact of throwing something on the ground but driving cars. Cars let out air polution that can cause very bad sickness and disease.

    4: Some solutions are by cleaning up after you and your neighbor. Riding your bike to school or the WAVE. And there's alot more things that we as the people of this nation can do. I can make a difference by doing the same. Also recycling and sometimes catch the WAVE or ride the school bus instead of riding in a car. I can just BE GREEN!!!!!

  17. 1.The Lorax symbolized the enviromentalist or the person that reallly cares about the enviroment. They also dont believe in littering and poluution. They are all about saving the planet. The Once-ler symbolized mankind. He was he owner of the factory who was cutting down the trees. These people only really care about themselves. The Thneed symbolized the resources that were coming from the trees that were being cut down.
    2. The biggest cause and the effect on the enviroment was the Lorax because he basically helped everyone realize how important it was to save the planet. He spoke for the trees.
    3. The current enviromentl issue this is having the biggest effect on the enviroment is being careless, nonchalant, and lazy. People just dont seem to care anymore. They are just about themselves =(.
    4. A few solutions to current enviroment issues would be recycling, spreading the word, not wasting resources(water), picking up litter around me. Also many others. I can make a difference by spreading the word through my family and friends telling them about the importance of our planets and how we should all pitch in. This wy we can make the world a better place. Being "green" to me means take steps to help our planet survive no matter how big or small.

  18. 1. In this story I think that the Lorax represnts the Earth and it environment, because he is trying get the man to not cut down all the trees. The Once-ler represents us as humans who are ruining the envirnment. The thneed reprents what we do to the environment the pollution that we cause.

    2. The biggest cause that I think happened in this story was when the Once-ler gave the pperson listening to the story, the readers, a seed. The reason I say thi is because this way we would be able to plant more trees and try to make out planet a better place to live. Also because it shows that we can change the ways we treat our environment and that is what the Once-ler learned in his life time from cutting down all of the Lorax trees. Another reason I think this is the biggest cause is because it shows what a change can do and how it can be a great thing for everyone and bring back animals that left due to the damage.

    3.A currennt world problem tat we have is that we are causing way to much pollution. The reason i say this is because we are contamintating our waters that animals live in and that is killing off animals. Anoter reason would be because when you drive down the road you see a bunch of trash and people throwing stuff out their windows of their car.

    4.Some solutions for enviromental problems we have now would be by planting more trees becase we are cutting down way to many. By recylcling everything that is recycable. Another way would be by picking up trash on the beachs and in your neighbor hood and not littering. Another way would be by not using such harmful chemicals use enviroment freindly products.

  19. 1. The lorax symbolizes people that are enviromental friendly. The Once-ler is like a person that just uses resources and dosent care about the effect.The Thneeds are like our resources which we need or life will not remain the same.
    2. The cause that has the biggest effect is the factory and how they are cutting down trees. We need tree's for oxygen and to make wind.
    3.Pollution because when we pollute we destroying the enviroment and we arenot helping it. And also pollution also causes sickness and it would be bad to breathe in the pollution.
    4.Stop pollution, make more eco friendly products, recycle more. I can make a diffrence by telling people and recycle and not litter. And going green means helping the enviroment and taking precautions.

  20. 1. the lorax symbolizes all the people that are aware of the problems we are causeing. the once-ler is all the big companies that dont care what they're doing they just want to make a bunch of money. the thseed is what ever we are makeing out of these things that we're ruinning. for example in china they are rapidly losing their trees because of the high demand for wooden chopsticks and since there are so many people to buy them.
    2.the chopping of the trees is the biggest problem in the book. cause it destroys the area and it lessens the food supply for the creatures that eat the fruit of the trees. but not only that there are the big factories that cause smoke and smog. it hurts the enviroment harms other creatures and pollutes the lake cause a declinein the fish. so its not just one big thing its two big things.
    3.the biggest real world problem is the destruction of the ozone layer. there are too many cars burning too many fossil fuels. there are also too many factories expelling too much co2 and other gasses in the air. if the ozone layer is destroyed the sun's ultraviolet rays will come through and ...... well lets just say that wouldnt be good. order to stop the desruction of the ozone layer is to car pool or ride a bus. you could ride a bike or walk to close places. we could also find another way to do the things factories do without all of the harmful pollutants. we also could use other things to fuel cars although thhat idea wont rise until we're out of gasoline for good because the gas comainies wont allow all of there money to be taken from them. but eventuall we will get past that.

  21. 1. The Lorax is a symbol of people who are "green". The people who want to help stop pollution. The once-ler represents the peole who don't care. The people who do pollute the Earth. Who don't care what happens to the Eearth as long as they make money. And the thneed is the thing that "everyone needs". It's the thing that everone buys.

    2. The "cause" that has the biggest effect on the enviorment in the book is that the Once-ler is cutting down all the Truffula Trees. He's cutting them down so that he can make the thneeds. And the more that he sells the more the Truffula Trees he cuts down.

    3. The current enviorment issue going on is global warming. The Polar Icecaps are starting to melt slowly. And if we don't start doing something now, we are all going to regret it in the future, and it's probably going to happen within our lifetime.

    4. Some solutins are like recycling, picking up trash, and carpooling. You can make a difference by picking up trash outside of your home even if it's not yours. You can carpool with your friends to the mall or to school. To be "Green" means to be very enviormental. It's like being a "Tree Hugger".

  22. 1.The Lorax symbolizes everyone that wants to stop pollution and cutting down trees. The Once-ler symbolizes the people that own factories and pollute the earth. Some people might not even know that they are polluting. The Thneed symbolizes all the useless stuff that humans make. The sad part is that people buy these things.

    2.The "cause" from the book that has the biggest effect on the environment is the Once-ler cutting down all of the Truffula Trees. He used one tree to make one Thneed, so the more Thneeds he makes the more Truffula Trees he takes.

    3.The biggest environmental issue is the trash we throw away. Most of the trash we throw away could have been recycled. All the trash we throw away has to go somewhere, so people put it in a landfiil where it just sits there.

    4.Solutions for these issues ir reduce, reuse, recycle. Also try not to use so much stuff and throw it away. You can make a difference by recycling and not wasting stuff. To be GREEN means that you think about the impact that that product will have on the environment and also recycling.

  23. 1.Lorax symbolize the enviroment.Once-lor would symbolize us, the people that doest really think about the enviroment, and instead, they think about themself the most.Thneed would represent the place that we get our source for.
    2.The biggest effect was when he give the last seed of the tree to the boy. It show that he had finally come to the realization that the enviroment should be protected.
    3.The biggest problem in this world that is effecting the enviroment is cutting down the trees. We can grow trees, but it would takes really long time, cutting down the trees is more easier than growing trees.People are cutting down the trees without realizing that there is one day that there would be no more trees for them to cut.For example, the place at carolina beach rd, where Harris Teeter is, they are cutting down the tree to make more business store. It would not effect the world, but it still have a big effect in the enviroment.
    4.Some solution would be thinking about the enviroment more than ourself. Instead of getting what we want, we should think about the effect it would have to the enviroment, People should not cut too many trees because it takes too long to grow. It would take many years just to grow one tree. I think GREEN means to recyle. Instead of just throw your trash away, and think it would just go away, we should recyle the one that is recyleable.

  24. 1. The Lorax represents the people that care about the environment, the once-ler represents the people who do things and dont think about there effect on the environment, and the Thneeds represents peoples wants and ambitions.
    2. The cause in the book that has the biggest effect on the environment was the factories being built because they build things out of the chopped down trees, put goo into the water, and smog into the air.
    3. A real world event that is having the biggest impact on the environment is pollution. Pollution causes the biggest impact because it pollutes the water, land, and air.
    4. Some solutions are carpool, throwing away your trash, and recycling. I can make a difference by doing these three things. To be green means to be environmentally friendyly/consious.

  25. Kye Gardner this is your fellow class mates Sammi and JT you are correct about the idea that Oil was made in the era of Dinosaurs but oil orginates from plants not dinosaurs themselves.

  26. Abi is sooo nice to people...December 4, 2009 at 8:29 AM

    1.Them Lorax symbolizes mother nature. Once-ler symbolizes humans. Thneed was the non renewable resources.
    2. The cutting-down of trees were the biggest cause.
    3. Pollution because people have to litter some days. You are lying if you saying that you never littered.
    4. You can help by recycling. Being gree means to have things that were not made hurting the environment.

  27. 1. The lorax representthe guy that cares about the enviroment. the once-ler represents the people tthat don't care about the enviroment. the Thneed represent what people want.
    2.Building the factory had the biggest effect on te enviroment because it polluted the air from the smoke. It polluted the water from the goo. and it made all the animals leave the area.
    3. pollution has the bigggest effect today on the world because car,factory smoke pollute the air oil pollutes the water and litter pollutes the earth.
    4.some solution that better the enviroment are recycling ,car pulling ,picking up trash.
    i can recycle and pick up trash. It mean to be enviromentally friendly .

  28. 1. The Lorax symbolizes people trying to help safe the environment.Once-ler symbolizes peolpe now like use hurting our environment. Thneed symbolizes the stuff we make out of things in our environment.
    2. The problem was that they were cutting down the trees that were needed in there enviroment. Trees are used to breath of course, the trees had food that they ate, and they had shade.
    3. This is one of the big problems happening in our enviroment. We are cutting down a lot of trees and it does'nt seem like they are planting more as they cut them down. We need them for many things, but we really need them to breath.
    4. Solutions for this problem is to plant two seeds for every tree you cut down, and try not to cut down that many trees in one day. Also start using recycled paper instead of buying new paper, so that it will be less trees cut down.

  29. 2. Cutting down trees led to other things like the fish getting sent away and thme swans.
    3. When you are not recycling, you ARE littering becAUSE it does END UP ON THE GROUND.

  30. JT and Kye...Coal originates from plants, but oil comes from plant and animal remains buried in ocean floor both are thinking correctly...though the origins of both could be even farther back in time.

  31. 1. I think that the Lorax symbolizes the earth. The Once-ler symbolizes everyone in the world. The Thneed represent the products everyone buys.
    2. The biggest effect in the book was the smog that the Once-ler made with his machine all day and night. Everyone from that town left because of all the smog. Even all the animals left and the man sent his Swans away from the smog so that they can sing a note. They may fly for days months or even years.
    3. Our biggest problem in the world is either global warming or our dependency on fossil fuels. Our glaciers are melting and animals are dying all over the world. Also we need to find alternative types of energy so that when we run out of fossil fuels everything will stop working.
    4. Some of the problems in our environment are not recycling throwing trash anywhere people want and animals die from that. Also we are creating too much C02 gases and that is ripping a hole In our atmosphere and that is making the earth hotter which is melting our glaciers that animals live on and they are dying because of all this. Another problem is none renewable resources, we are so dependent on them that we can't live without them. Also if we don't start finding more new ways to produce energy. Some ways I can "be green" is to recycle, pick up trash at the beach, and "green" up the house. Being "green" means that you recycle or do something to help the environment and help the earth.

  32. 1.The Lorax symbolizes the need for people to stand up in order to protect their environment. The Once-ler symbolizes the greed of people because he is always improving his methods of creating a Thneed in order to make money. The Thneed symbolizes the want of material items because in the story the Once-ler said "that you never know what people will buy."
    2.I think that when the Once-ler made making Thneeds more efficent it took away the food sorce of the Brown Bar-Baloots, the smog made it so that the Swomme-Swans could not sing, and it glumped up the pond where the Humming-Fish lived.
    3.The biggest issue is over consumption. Over consumption can cause the build up of debris from items that were not used. This is bad because sometimes what you get you don't always use it.

  33. 1) The Lorax i feel is an enviromentalist, the Once-ler is basically the people or in other terms us, and the Thneed is the product which comes from the trees such in this case clothing.

    2) I feel like the biggest problem was cutting down the Thneeds because that caused animals to lose their homes and the factories would not have to open up.

    3) I feel like the biggest effect on the enviroment is over use.

  34. 1. The lorax symbolizes the need to stand up for people who do not have a say on what goes on in this enviroment so he could keep order. The once-ler repersent's the person incharge of all de-forrestation's that go on upon the truffala trees. He give's order's and he is alway's tring to change his way's of chopping down tree's. The kneed repersent's the want of material possesion.
    2. The cause from the book that has the biggest effect on the enviroment is the onc-ler cutting down all the truffala tree's. for example, the once-ler uses one truffala tree to make one kneed. so if he keep's this up there will be no more truffala tree's to use.
    3. a current real world enviromental issue that is having the biggest on our enviroment is that we are consuming to much as people. We buy stuff we do not necesserly need. It all will eventually have some type of effect on our enviroment,good or bad.
    4. some sloution's to current enviroment issue's is to recycle and use gas efficient car's. We can also use less of fossil feul's. green mean's to be enviromental friendly.

  35. 1. The lorax represents the people who care about the world and wants to save it. The onceler is in my mind is mercurial,His character changes in the story. He starts as a uncaring whatever he is and then starts realizing what he has done and now wishes he could change the past. The thneed represents mans wants and is a luxury item.
    2. The biggest cause is when basicly mankind comes in and changes the enviornment. For example he starts cuttting trees and animals start leaving. Then the factory starts smoking the enviornment and ruining the water. Now the land is a waste land.
    3. The great enviornmental problom today is Global warming. This is caused by excess co2 in the enviornment which results in temp. riseing. Then the ice caps are slowly melting do to the extreme temp. that is the eniornmental problom of today.
    4. Solutions that could help the enviornment is to plant more trees and use less water, buy a hybrid, alturnative fuel. to be Green means to do things to help the enviornment and to start acting like a resposible person.

  36. 1. i think that the Lorax represents the people and the the people are trying to do something about the enviroment he is the one who speaks for the people.The peopole are statring tocare because they see the enviroment change not in a good help the enviroment way. ut killing our world and making the peole more to another spot where the pollutants arentgoing to harm our enviroment.And the kneed represents the things that he wants to make him rich the things he cant have.
    2. the biggest cause from the book that has an effect on the enviromnt is when the oncler cuts down all the trees and puts the factories waste in the nearby clean lake.And si like a domino effect after he takes away the things the peopele need to survive they begin to leave little at a time but in the end makes it a big difference.
    3.the great enviromental problem today is the way we the people itter, dont recycle the proper way. Were starting to runou of places or wastelands to keep the trash.
    4. Some solutions that can help is if the world made a really big deal world wide on the way that people do with their trash. IOthink that if the government told peopele that if they didnt start to recycle that maybe their would be more diseases and that their would be less cleaniness spaces for people to live.

  37. 1. The Lorax represents the people who care about the enviroment.The Once-ler means the greed of people's wants.The Thneeds represent the things that we don't really need but we still make and slowly destoy our enviroment.

    2.I think the man running out or low of resources.With resources us a humans couldn't survive neither the earth.

    3.I would say Global Warming is having the biggest impact on the enviroment, but we caused it.Mamy plants and animals are being killed, due to rising temperatures.Resources are starting to run low. Sea level is rising due to melting glaciers.

    4.Well i say to go Green. Using less toxic material for our needs and wants. Start recycling everything that is going to waste. Getting the word out more around the world. Nations and companies making more rules.

  38. 1. The lorax symbolizes the poeple in society that are actually trying to help the environment. The once-ler is the main character who cut's down the trees. A thneed is the sweater thing that he was selling. Its symbolizes something that you want but don't need.
    2.The once-ler cutting down all the truffala tree's has the biggest effect on the government. He is ruining the habitat for many species thus causing them to leave. After he kept cutting the tree's down there were no more left and the place wasn't nice looking anymore.
    3. A current real world problem that is going on right now is overpopulation. When there is overpopulation the resources get used up faster.
    4. Recycle paper and other stuff and use evironment helpful goods.

  39. The Lorax represents the people standing up for the environment. The Once-ler represents companies and people who are using up the environment and polluting it. The Thneed represents our wants as people. The cutting down of the trees caused animals to have to find new homes. It also made smog in the air. Pollution is making a big issue in the environment. There is trash being spread around in all environments. This is messing up our eco-system. Some solutions to this could be picking up litter. Making rules about air pollution from companies and also using less fossil fuels to run companies. I can be "green" by using natural products.

  40. 1. What does the Lorax symbolize? Once-ler? Thneed?
    *The Lorax symbolizes the whole animal life and trees that lives there.
    2. Which “cause” from the book has the biggest effect on the environment? Justify your answer with 2-3 supporting details.
    *When he started to pollute the waters and the air. As soon as it took place the fish had to find new, clean, fresh water, the birds had to migrate and they couldn't sing because they had smog in their throats.
    3. What current real-world environmental issue is having the biggest effect on the environment? Justify your answer with 2-3 supporting details.
    *The pollution of the ocean, from this birds are swallowing what they think is fish, turtles are getting stuck in soda rings and choking to death, and sharks swallowing what they think is food.
    4. What are some solutions (big and small) to current environmental issues? How can you make a difference? What does it mean to be “GREEN?”
    *Some solution for solving the current environmental issues are not litering. I can make a difference by picking up trash on the beach before it gets pulled into the ocean to do damage to the environment. Recycling, reusing, and reduce is the meaning of being "GREEN".

  41. 1. The Lorax stands for people in the world that care about the environment. The Once-ler stands for people that don't care about the world. The Thneed stands for things that people want but don't need.
    2. The waste in the lake was one of the biggest effects on the environment because the fish in the lake had to move and go somewhere else.
    3. Global Warming is one of the biggest causes in the environment because people, plants, and animals are affected by it.
    4. A way to ressolve environmental issues is to recycle. I can make a difference by not littering everyday. To be GREEN is to have a big impacton the environment.

  42. 1.I think the lorax symbolizes people who actually care about the enviroment fro example enviromentalists. the oncelers symbolize people who dont really care about the enviroment or the Earth its self. thneeds basically represent wants or thigns you dont need.
    2.two of the biggest causes of the book were the cutting down of trees and the factories built. this caused pollution.
    3.i think that pollution is haveing the biggest affect on our enviroment because people dont think they'll ever get caught by doing it..some types of pollution are polluting the oceans this is killing the animals and chemical pollution from factories is also killing the animals.
    4.some differences i can make are not littering and also picking up trash behind people that litter.

  43. 1. this means people who care about the enviorment.
    2.littering because it takes awhile for materials to decay and when you put "garbage" into landfills they dont decompose.
    3.littering for all the examples above.
    4.we can recycle more, not litter at all! and we can use cloth bags when going to the grocery store or use plastic bags more than once.

  44. 1.lorax was the people who recycle. onceler was people who dont recycle. the theneed is products people buy.

    2. the biggest threat was the cutting down of the trofula tress. because it sent the animals away and when he burned it the smoke polluted the air.

    3.I think was having the biggest cause on us is littering and the junkpiles.

    4.a differnce i can make is start a compost pile and no more littering

  45. The lorax symbolizes people who are trying to perserve the plane and Thneeds are things humans want but do not neccesarily need that eat at our resources.The Once-ler represented all the people who take resources to make things humans want.The cuting down of the Truffle trees because th habitat became distorted and animals had to evacuate the habitat.Global warming is because animals are losing there homes and the sea level is continuing to rise.People can help our enviorment by Recycling, discontinue littering, and using organic materials among other things. Being green is taking action to improve our everyday lives wether it be at home or in public.

  46. 1. The lorax symbolise the people who are trying to make a differece. The once-ler symbolse things that arent bio-degradable and cant be recycled. the thkneed represents the thing that every one wants but it hurts the envorment.
    2.the two biggest problems in the book is trees being cut down, which led to all the animals leaving and factories being built which leads to pollution.
    3. pollution has the biggest effect on our envoriment because its the largest think being done. People pollute the ocean and the land which leds to speacies dying out.
    4. people can stop throwing so much stuff away and recycle more.

  47. 1. The Lorax symbolizes the environment and everything it does. The once-ler represents us and what we do to the environment. The thneeds represent the things that we want but do not need. The thneed represents what we want that is also harming the environment when it is not a need.
    2.The production of the thneeds had the most effects on the story. The production of thneeds was causing the wildlife to leave the area, the truffula trees were being lost, and the area where the factory became polluted.
    3.In the world today trash is one of the biggest problems we have in the environment. Most trash that we have can be recycled but most people do not show the effort to recycle and conserve. Litering has a large effect because people liter and do not realize what they are doing because they think that the trash is going to go to a landfill anyway. Landfills are designated areas fpor trash but litering can cause more pollution.
    4. Some solutions to the overprodution is to not use as much plastic and try to use environmentally green material. We can use less water, recycle more paper, and produce less trash. I can make a difference by getting a recycling bin for the neighboorhood or just by trying not to liter. To be green does not mean to not use any water and to ride your bike 50 miles to work. Being green means that youdo as much as you can to help the environment while sustaining your regular lifestyle.

  48. 1) I think the lorax represents enviromentalist or people who are very "pro-green." I think the Once-Ler are us as people who are destroying our earth with the natural things that the earths needs and making things for stuff that we want. The theneeds were small somethings that people think they need that they really dont, they just really want.
    Because the Lorax wanted him and his family to become rich, he destroyed all the Truffula Trees to make Theneeds. Which has its biggest effect on the enviroment and habbitats of the animals. When the Truffula trees were all destroyed there were no more animals there to live, the skys became full of smog, and without any of the trees everything was affected.
    3)I think are biggest problem today would be cars. I think that all the cars being used with the gases and fumes they put off is one of our biggest problems. Also i think the factories today put off a lot of smoke and fumes that irritate our atmosphere terribly.
    4)You can start recyling, riding a bike, pick up trash and recycle it, and also people can quit smoking ciggs out side.

  49. 1. The lorax represented the few that actually care about the earth. The Once-ler represented the other people who abuse the earth. The thneeds are the things than people think they need but they don’t.
    2. The smog caused the most damage because it prevented the animals form functioning well. The smog made it dark so it was to see, it made it hard for the animals to breathe and ran them all off.
    3. The littering problem is the biggest problem. Littering effects plants life and animal life. People are harming the earth and themselves because it can get in our water and destroy all of earth’s resources.
    4. We could pick up trash for the littering problem or we could carpool for the pollution problem. Human can lower the demand for fish to prevent over fishing.

  50. The lorax to me is just like our environment today.Peole cutting down trees and not reuseing things.Factorys are causing alot of damage.Also leaving trash everywhere.But in is tyhe little things that we can do to make a change in our lifes and on the earth.

  51. I think theLorax sybolizes enviromentalists.
    onceler is the people who want to help.
    thneads are awesome sweater thingys but they are not a need.
    the biggest prob is the smogcause there driving away the fish there making the place look ugly and there driving away those other wierd animals.
    acording to globle warming our biggest prob is co2 pollution cause its making the world hotter and melting the ice caps. 2 ways to help the enviroment is to recyle and cut down on what we use

  52. 1.I belive that the lorax is the gaurdian of the invironment that is trying to stop the once-ler from destroying the environment.The once-ler is the man that doesnt care about the environment all he wants to do is use the trees in order to make the thneed in the end he is a useless salesman unless he plants and cares for the seed.A thneed is a product that everyone wants but this causes the land to loose trees the thneed can be anything the use can vary its a very useful item.
    2.The cause that had a greater effect on the evironment was the chopping of trees.Trees create oxygen for humans and animals it can also provide food and shelter for other important creatures.Without trees all of the oxygen would dissapear and the humans,insects,and animals would die.It would also effect the earth.
    3.I think that Global warming is having the most effect on the world and the animals because the polar icecaps is melting.The around the polar icecaps gets warmer causing the ice to melt.Polar bears liked the ice because they live in cold tempurature but because of the global warming the can nolonger walk on the ice to catch a meal causing them to starve.
    4.A way to resolve the environmental issue is to stop using so much fossil fuels,and start reusing items by recycling the item to make somthing new.I can make a difference by telling friends and families about this problem and together we can solve the problem.Being Green is a common word for loving the environment and being causious abou the environmental issues.
