Monday, November 1, 2010

Your Footprint

How big is your footprint?

In today's world, it is essential that humans take a look at how they impact the environment.
1. Describe 2 ways you have interacted, directly or indirectly, with the environment today. Explain if each interaction is positive or negative and provide evidence for your reasoning.
2. Are your interactions with the environment necessary? Why?
3. Respond to the following statement by answering strongly agree, agree ,neutral, disagree, or strongly disagree and explain your reasoning:
"When people decide to buy goods, they think about the effect it has on the environment."


  1. 1. Today, I had some trash left over, and instead of tossing it on the ground, I threw It in the trash can. This little action prevented the trash from polluting the ground. Now there is one less piece of trash on the ground. I also rode a bus today. This is a positive thing, because instead of everybody taking their own separate vehicle, we all rode in one to prevent pollution from extra cars.
    2. Our interactions with the environment affect the whole planet. What we do today has an impact on tomorrow.
    3. I disagree with that statement. Typically when people buy stuff, they don’t think about its impact. When you buy milk, it doesn’t usually cross your mind that this carton will end up in a landfill. So people don’t usually think about that.

  2. 1)This morning i saw some trash in the street and i picked it up. I think that was positive because A animal could of tried to eat it and choked on it. When i went outside this morning i saw some roots from a growing tree and i kicked it and pulled it until i messed it up. That is negative because we need trees for oxygen.
    2)I dont really think my interactions with the environment is necessary unless it is positive. If my interactions with the environment is negative then im not doing anything but making the world a worst place.
    3)I strongly disagree because when people go out and buy goods there not doing anything but thinkin of there selfs and what they like.

  3. 1 I have been driven in a car to the school. Water the grass when I woke up as I got ready for school. Driving the car is an negative and watering the grass is a positive. The car would release carbone dixoide into the air. The grass will grow and florish.
    2 Yes and No, watering the grass is necessary for the grass will grow and florish the land. Driving in a car is not as necessary but I had to get to school.
    3 Strongly disagree people don't care where the goods come from or go after their done with them. If they see on tv what happened to a bird or a person because they choked or crashed their car from the waste then they would care. But they just throw it away and forget about it.

  4. (1) One way that I interacted with the environment today was riding I n a car to get to school. This interaction was negative because my dad’s truck released chemical waste into the atmosphere which adds to pollution in the air. Another way that I impacted the environment was when I made breakfast this morning; I used a toaster to make waffles. This interaction was . . . possibly negative because I used energy gathered from natural sources of energy to make my breakfast.
    (2) I think that interactions with the environment are necessary because although humans tend to go overboard with things, the environment needs something to help keep it in balance. We kind of help take out some things and add some things so that it can function but our interactions tend to hurt the environment as well.
    (3) I’m neutral when it comes to this comment because I believe that some people actually do think about how their purchases affect the environment but most people probably don’t. Of course there are people trying to help save the environment by only buying things made of recycled materials or organic products but they are a lot more people who don’t pay attention to these things and just live oblivious to how their purchases affect the environment.

  5. 1. Well, about everyone takes a shower every morning/ night, showers use water, but baths are a lot more water consuming, also, another way I effected the environment this morning was I ate processed foods. This in itself didn't harm anything, but the packing, will end up in landfills, the energy used to made this was probably non-renewable, and then the shipping of the foods to all over, all effected the environment. And on a smaller scale, I drove to school, instead of taking the bus.
    2. The interactions I had this morning, weren’t all needed, like, I could’ve woke up earlier and caught the bus, and save fuel and emissions, but I did however need to shower and eat. I didn’t have to eat, but being hungry won’t solve anything and on top of that who wants to be all gross and hungry?
    3. I don’t think people really think about how what they buy will effect the environment …No one really goes to the grocery store and picks up a product and says, “Hmm, this little plastic bag might end up in a ocean, or a landfill.” We really don’t think about it, unless, you know how sometimes a product says it’s made of recycled material ect; Even then we really don’t consider how even this will effect the earth.

  6. 1. I rode the bus to school today. This is both positively and negatively affecting the environment indirectly. I think this because riding in a motor vehicle burns gas which then goes into our atmosphere. It is a good thing because more than one person rides my bus so it is burning less gas than 12 cars would. I also drank out of a reusable bottle this morning. This is indirectly affecting the environment in a positive way. Using reusable bottles decreases the amount of plastic being made/thrown away.
    2. I think that my interactions with the environment are necessary. I think the positive ones should be necessary, but they’re not. I think more people should try and make a difference in their environment. This would make us healthier and happier.
    3. I strongly disagree because I think that people don’t really care about this environment that we live in. We should think about what we buy and how it effects the environment, but people nowadays really are selfish. I think that if some people did know what happens to those things that hurt our environment and how it can hurt them, I think people would finally come to their senses and do the right thing.

  7. This morning I have affected the environment in multiple ways. When I poured the last of the milk into my glass, I put the carton in the recycling bin verses throwing it in the trash. Recycling is important because landfills let off gases which are bad for our air. If every American simply threw all their trash in a landfill instead of disposing of it properly, the United States of America would be completely covered in trash after a few short years. I also disposed of my dog’s waste this morning instead of leaving it on the ground to be washed into a water way. Animal waste is the number one pollutant of water systems in America so it is vital that we do what we can to stop that. Both of these interactions were positive things which anyone could do. These interactions are necessary because, as previously stated, we need to do what we can to stop pollutants from entering our environment. Whether we are recycling or cleaning up pet waste, we need to help our Earth stay clean.
    I disagree; I think people do not think about the effect which the food they buy has on the environment, but I believe they should think cautiously about these things. They also should consider how the packaging of that food effects the environment and how they should dispose of it. People usually do not take the time to stop and think “how is this affecting the world?”, yet that is exactly what we need to be doing.

  8. 1. A way i have interacted with the environment by riding a bus and using water anytime of the day. Riding a bus can affects the environment by burning fossil fuels in larger amounts than regular cars and some other ways of transportation. Taking a shower or using water in general effects the environment because some people use too much for trivial things or they just waste water.
    2. My interactions with the environment are not always necessary. Riding the bus to get to school is necessary because it’s a means of transportation, but there could be a way to get to school without burning as much fossil fuels. Wasting water is not necessary at all. Using water for everyday needs such as bathing and drinking is necessary but not wasting over the needed amount.
    3. I am neutral on the idea that when people decide to buy goods they do or don’t think about how it will affect the environment. I feel this way because some people simply don’t think about the environment because they care only for their gain from the good, and some people are always thinking about what they buy and how it’ll affect the environment.

  9. 1.) Today I have interacted with the environment this morning. I have done this by taking a long shower. This has impacted the environment by using too much water instead of conserving it. After I took a shower I brushed my teeth and left the water running while doing so. This impacted the environment by once again not conserving water. I polluted the air by getting a ride to school this morning also.
    2.) My interaction with the environment is not necessary with the exception of getting to school. Taking long showers is not necessary I could limit my time instead of wasting water. When brushing my teeth I also could turn off the water from the sink instead of leaving it running until I’m finished.
    3.) I disagree that everyone thinks of the impact on the environment from that good they buy. American people have too much of a busy schedule to have time to actually stop and think about something like that. Honestly a lot of people don’t even care about anything but there selves and their family's needs. So I doubt they would care about the impact on the environment from that good. But I’m not saying everyone is like this by no means jus the majority of America and the world is.

  10. 1.Today I interacted indirectly with the environment by recycling an empty can instead of throwing it away. I also rode the bus to school, which probably produces less carbon then everyone taking a separate car to school.
    2.I didn’t necessarily have to recycle or take the bus. I could have thrown the can away and driven to school in a car just as easily.
    3.Neutral- I believe that not everyone considers how what they’re buying will effect the environment, but some do. Some more radical people will only buy things that are organic or decompose naturally, but some people don’t focus or care about what they buy .It all really depends on who the person is.

  11. 1. This morning I did a lot of negative things for the environment. For example during I was washing my teeth I left the water on until I was finished. I know that this affects our environment because it’s a waste of water. Second I told my dad to bring me to school and I know by that pollution occur and oil was waste, but I still did something correctly I went to the cafĂ©. This morning and brought a juice and when I was done with the juice instead of throwing it away in the trash. I put it in the recycle box of the school. Also this morning my mom made me go pick up this morning some trash that was in the front yard that my little sisters had threw away yesterday. Well it wasn’t a lot it was just some juicy juice containers, but yet I didn’t want to do it, but at last I did and I just figured out that I did something good for the environment “I picked up trash early in the morning”.
    2. I am going to be honest I am really not a green person and when I do something green it’s just because I had to do it or somebody told me to do it. Therefore I do think it’s necessary because it helps our environment and it also will help us in the future.
    3. Well I agree and disagree because I don’t think that buying goods affect the environment because we as humans need nutrients and things to feed our self’s, but yet in some way it can be affect for example to go to a grocery store you have to have transportation and obviously you’re going to use a car and by using the car you will create pollution and waste oil and once again affect our environment in some way.

  12. 1. One way I interacted with the environment is that I rode the bus to school this morning. This action can be considered positive and negative. The negative part of this is that we burn fossil fuels to power the vehicle but since we pick up more than fifteen students we cut back emissions by fifteen because we are removing fifteen individual vehicles to one. The second way I interacted with my environment is that I used a reusable bottle to drink from instead of ones that get thrown out on the side of the road or recycle. This is a positive action because I cut down the plastic bottle I will use for today and not use the energy needed to recycle the plastic bottles.
    2. In some cases yes our interactions with the environment are necessary only because we caused the problem in the first place. As an animal of this planet, we need to be able to co-inside with other organisms more than the domesticated ones we have. My actions are necessary in the environment because I help clean up the lands we walk, the air we breathe by planting trees, and by helping an animal in need.
    3. I strongly disagree about the statement above. The reason I state this is because when people go a store, especially when the state is agriculture based, they think most of the things come from their state they don’t think if I came across the ocean. For an example, a person buys a grape from a store that’s not farmers market they most likely don’t think it’s from say Italy or France. Even though some people are becoming aware many people don’t realize how far those goods go to just be on the shelves at a supermarket.

  13. 1.As of today my interaction with the environment was negative and a little postive. On the way to the bus i as threw my gum on the ground beause i noticed that the bus was coming when really i should have throwed it in the grabage can. when entering the school i picked up two gum rabers since these could hurt the animals that mistake them for food.
    2.yes/no. throwing my gum on the ground wasnt really a necessary thing its just plain lazyness for taking the gum and just putting it in the grabage can. Unlike my firt mistake my second try in making that first mistake i picked up the tow gum rabers.
    3. disagree. In most areas people but really everyone the in whole earth dont really think about what these products can do/affect the enviroment. They just look around and if they see what they like they just spend the money without checking what kind of chemicals can harm the things around us or even ourselfs.

  14. 1) Today instead of riding the bus my dad drove me to school. This interaction is negative because by having my dad bring me to school, we released more carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Also this morning, I watered the bushes and the tree in my backyard. This would be a positive interaction because by watering the plants, they can grow and help clean the atmosphere.
    2) Human interactions with the environment are necessary. By interacting, we can help out with anything bad. Also, we have to interact with the environment so that we can have food.
    3)I remain neutral with the above statement stating that when people buy goods, they think about the impact it has on the environment. Some people do actually think about their impact on the environment and prefer to use paper bags instead of plastic; however, there are some people that want plastic bags for everything. Plastic bags make things easier to carry around, so when people use a plastic bag to carry things around, they are not thinking about the environment.

  15. 1. as of today I have redden with my father to work and to my school so that means that I have helped to lessen my footprint because we did not waist as much fossil fuel, however I have turned on my stereo and my lights in my room as an alarm so that slightly increased America’s need for energy making companies like BP burn more fossil fuel

    2. if I want to get an education than I must have an alarm to wake me up so yes it is necessary, also I need to ride with a parent because I have lost track of the bus schedule and am now confused about what I am supposed to do

    3. I disagree with that statement because only when you buy a car do you think of how it will impact the environment because there are so many cars in the world you’re bound to not see the same person's car more than once in your lifetime, products may advertise as being "green" however people don’t necessarily look for a cleaner that is green it is just an added bonus when it is green

  16. 1. There are both positive and negative interactions that we make with the environment each day. Everyday when we get into a vehicle to go to work or school we are effecting our environment. The fuel that exits the car is going to negatively impact the Earth and cause many problems in the atmosphere.
    2. Most of the negative impacts we have on the environment aren’t necessary and have alternatives. Instead of waking up every morning and getting into a car we can choose to walk or bike. It is very important that we start taking into consideration how we are really affecting the environment. Even if we cant fully resolve the issue we can at least find small ways to contribute to helping the environment
    3. Although many people don’t think about how they are effecting the environment, few understand how to use resources wisely. I believe that the statement can’t be right or wrong. People may realize how they are effecting the environment but don’t take actions to solve the issues. Others don’t understand how the goods they buy and use effect the environment and how it could potential effect them.

  17. 1) I rode in a car with someone else to school. This is positive because I didn’t take a separate car and pollute the air more. I recycled a bottle that I drank out of this morning. This is positive because instead of it getting thrown away it is getting reused.
    2) One of my interactions is necessary because I had to get to school today. I could have ridden the bus but, instead I didn’t. Recycling the bottle wasn’t necessary, but it helps the environment instead of it ending up in a landfill.
    3) Disagree; Not many people think of what will happen to the wrappers and bottles and things they buy. If you buy a 2 liter bottle of soda for a party, you aren’t thinking about what will happen to the bottle; you just throw it away. There may only be a few people that think of that, and then they could just buy the already recycled bottles or bags.

  18. 1) Today I ate a banana for breakfast and instead of tossing the peel on the ground I threw it away. This is a negative impact because banana peels are bio degradeable and I could have put it in my grandpa's compost bin to allow it to break down and be used for soil for my grandpa's garden. I also got a ride to school from a friend instead of having my mom drive me to school. This had a positive impact because it results in less gas emissions being released into the air. If I had my mom drive me instead of carpooling with a friend it would be releasing more gases into the atmosphere.
    2) Yes because in order for any organism to surive they need to interact with there environment in order to find food, shelter, and water. If I hadn't eaten the banana then I wouldn't have had food. I shouldn't have just thrown the peel away when there was another available use for it but it was necessary for me to interact with my environment in that way. Also, I have to go to school in order to get a job to support myself later on in life. I had to get a ride and by getting a ride with my friend it prevented more gas from polluting the air.
    3) I disagree with this statement because most people don't think about it. When you buy a bag of chips you don't stop and think about the effects the bag will have on the environment. You don't think, "Hey chip bags don't breakdown, this will just end up in a landfill when I'm done with it."

  19. This morning I brushed my teeth and left the water running the whole time while I brushed. This is negative towards the enviroment because it wastes water and electricity.This action wasn't neccasary becuase you don't need the water running when it isn't needed. One positive thing that I did this morning was pick up a bottle that I had left outside last night. This is positive towards the enviroment because it cuts down on pullution and trash. This action was neccasary becuase littering isn't good for the enviroment. Neutral, I think that some people do and some people don't think of the effects of buying goods. I think that the people that do think about the choices they make balance out the ones that don't think about it.

  20. 1) This morning instead of throwing away a piece of paper I put it in the recycle bin. This little thing can have a big impact on the environment. Now someone can make it into something else and cut down one less tree for more paper. I also gave someone a ride to school(car pool)and this can help out with not putting as much bad gases into the air.
    2) The interactions are necessary because I helped the environment.
    3) "When people decide to buy goods, they think about the effect it has on the environment." I do not agree with that statement because if people actually thought about what they were buying then they wouldn’t by the bad things that harm our environment.

  21. Today I used water which will impact the environment because if I used too much I’ll be taking away water from our water table. This could possibly cause a drought if too many people do this. I also threw away some plastic which could hurt the environment because I didn’t recycle it. Recycling helps because you get to reuse things that could hurt our plants and animals. My interactions with the environment are necessary because it needs me to survive. If we don’t help our environment by not littering and recycling we could damage it for future generations. I’m neutral with the statement because some people don’t think about the effect some goods have on the environment. For example, having a real fur coat is bad for our environment because when you kill animals it messes up our ecosystem. I’m sure most people don’t even think about this when they go out to buy themselves a coat. But, then again there are some people who do care about the environment and think about the effects their goods have on it.

  22. 1. I affect the environment negatively today by throwing trash on the ground and that is a sign of pollution which destroys the environment. I affect the environment by picking up the same trash and that is positive because that lessens the pollution which helps. These are both direct ways of environmental help and destroying.
    2. The negative one wasn’t necessary but the positive one was necessary because it helped the environment some at least. That piece of trash could have hurt the environment more that I helped picking it up.
    3. Neutral because half of the time I go to buy groceries and I think about what will happen to the environment. The other half I just think about other things.

  23. A positive way I have interacted with the environment is that I rode the bus instead of in a care causing more pollution. A negative way is that I threw a candy wrapper in the ground this morning instead of in the trash. Me riding the bus to school was a necessary action but throwing the trash on the ground was not. Even though I strongly disagree with my action of putting the wrapper on the ground I still did it….for what reason I don’t know It just happened. I do strongly agree with me riding the bus. (Although I didn’t want to) it still saved some gasses from vehicles from polluting the air! 

  24. 1) This morning instead of throwing away a piece of paper I put it in the recycle bin. This little thing can have a big impact on the environment. Now someone can make it into something else and cut down one less tree for more paper. I also gave someone a ride to school(car pool)and this can help out with not putting as much bad gases into the air.
    2) The interactions are necessary because I wanted to helped the environment.
    3) "When people decide to buy goods, they think about the effect it has on the environment." I do not agree with that statement because if people actually thought about what they were buying then they wouldn’t by the bad things that harm our environment.

  25. 1. This morning, I rode to school by car. This is an indirectly negative interaction with the environment because it releases more toxins into the air. The bus release a lot of toxins too, but if everyone rode the bus instead of their car to and from school, then the air composition of toxins would decrease tremendously. Another interaction was that, recycle the cereal box. It will get recycle instead of being trash and it would also increase the space in the trash can because it goes in the recycling box. So it helps you and the environment. This is a directly positive interaction with the environment.
    2. My interaction was necessary because we need transportation to get around, to work or to school. And recycling the box is one small step, but indeed will make a big difference later on.
    3. I disagree with the statement. Most of the time, when people purchase something, they only think about what good it could do for the owner. Such as buying a new car. When buying a new car, they think about the features of the car such as the seats and the exhaust pipe. But they don’t really think about how it’s going to impact the Earth. But some do, because there are some people who buy hybrid cars, which only use electricity instead of gas. So that helps the Earth some instead of releasing the toxins into the air.

  26. Today i rode the bus. That in a sense, is car pooling. That saves gas and reduces the amount of emissions released. Secondly, rather than allowing candy wrappers from Halloween pollute my neighborhood I chose to throw them away. All interactions with nature are nessasary. De facto, you are always acting and reacting with the natural world. I agree that as time progresses, more and more people are becoming eco-friendly. There have been some advancements in the bio-degradeable by-products such as Sun Chips bags. That shows that even the companies are attempting to be more eco-friendly.

  27. 1.) Today I rode the bus this morning which directly affected the environment because there was like 5 people on a big bus which rode all around town. That is a lot of pollution for just a few people but I guess it’s not as bad as having all 5 of our parents drive us to school. I also this morning left the lights on in my room while I was downstairs eating breakfast. This is wasting power which is also affecting the environment, but the bad thing was that once I was done I brushed my teeth and let the water run the whole time which was wasting water which some people do not have a lot of.
    2.) Some of my interactions like leaving the water running and leaving the lights on are not really necessary but it’s just a habit so it’s hard to just be like well I’m going to stop and turn the water off when I’m brushing. But I always thought turning the lights on and off all the time can blow the fuse or is even wasting power because it takes a lot of power to even turn the light switch on. But riding the bus is necessary because my parents don’t have the means all the time to be running me back and forth to school for 180 days.
    3.) I agree with this statement because I know that my family for instance we TRY and think about what affects buying a certain type of grocery has on the environment but sometimes you are just so busy or tired or don’t care to think about it. I do on the other hand think there are families whom their whole lives are dedicated to making sure they buy the right things for the planet which is fine because by one or two or even 100 families doing this then maybe it will inspire one two or another 100 families to do the same as well. Then we are almost there making the world a better place to live on just by watching what you buy at the store.

  28. 1) Today I interacted both negatively and positively toward the environment. Today I rode a car to school which polluted the air from the moment I stepped in the car to the moment I got to school this is negative because I could have ridden a bus and saved from pollution but I rode a car instead. One positive thing I did this morning was take plastic bottles to the recycle bin. This is a positive thing because instead of throwing them away in a trash can I choose to recycle them and have them recycled and used for other plastic materials.
    2) Interactions with the earth are necessary only when they are positive. If we do positive things to the earth it will be a better place to live. Our actions affect the earth and what we do to the earth will affect it in the future.
    3) I strongly disagree although some people may think about how things we buy effects the environment majority doesn’t. I think when someone walks into the store and buys something it is for there well being. Most people don’t sit and think what this could do to the environment.

  29. 1.)Today I was cleaning out my book bag and I found some scrap paper and instead of throwing it away I put it I the recycling bin. This is a positive thing because instead of throwing away that piece of paper I just saved another tree, and we need trees for oxygen. Another thing that I did was riding the bus. Instead of all the kids on the bus taking one car we all rode the bus. If we all would have taken different car we would have been polluting the Earth. This is a positive thing because we didn’t pollute the air with all those gases from different cars, but this is also a bad thing because we were still polluting the air, but not as much.
    2.)My interactions with the environment because I just saved the earth from even more global warming. If our interactions are positive then yes they are necessary, because if we do now affects the earth in the future.
    3.)I strongly disagree with that because most people who buy goods don’t think about how it is going to affect the environment. Also most people who buy goods don’t even care about how it affects the environment.

  30. 1. Some ways I have interacted with the environment today, is that this morning I took a quick hot shower not using that much water which is a good thing because most people just take extra long showers wasting water. Then I turned the sink water on to wet my tooth brush, then I left it on while I was brushing my teeth instead of turning it off, which is a bad thing because I could of easily turned it off but I didn’t so I wasted water.
    2. Yes, my interactions with the environment are necessary if they are a positive action. It’s necessary because everything we do affect the environment and the plants and animals even us.
    3. I disagree with the statement because if you buy yourself something like a car, you don’t just stop and sit there think of how the car is going to affect the environment. Or if you buy a big bottle of soda you don’t think of what will happen to it once you throw it away in the trash.

  31. 1)This morning I negatively, indirectly impacted the environment by taking a shower. I used water that if over used could effect the amount of clean water in my area. I also road the bus this morning, which is mostly a negative direct impact because of the emissions from bus can get into the air and pollute it, but it is also an indirect positive impact. Instead of there being multiple cars taking kids to school and giving off emissions there is just one vehicle on the road.
    2) my interations where necessary because i have to wash and be clean. I also have to go to school and get my education.
    3) I disagree, when people are out buying goods the impact there having on the environment usually is not on there minds. They are usually concerned if the price they are paying is reasonable enough to pay.

  32. Today, I used two seperate plates during breakfast. First, I had a muffin, and put it on a plate to heat up for 8 seconds. I also had a bagel, which my mom made for me, and put on a different plate. This is a negative interaction because it will take more water to wash two plates instead of one. I also turned off my brother's light in his room, because he leaves it on sometimes. This is a positive interaction with the environment because that will cause less energy to be pointlessly wasted.
    The first interaction was not nessecary at all and could've been prevented by telling my mom I'd already gotten a plate out. The second one was neccecary because it was helping less energy be wasted.
    I disagree with that statement. Most people don't think about the life of the product that they're buying, wether it's how it was made and transported here, to what will happen after it's finished being used. (Sometimes they do, if it's a green product that says something like "This product was made with recycled _____, and is eco-friendly!") If more people did that, though, it might make a difference as to how much waste is being put into the landfills and polluting the environment.

  33. 1) Today I made sure to turn off all the lights before I left for school. By doing this I helped reduce the amount of electricity that would have been wasted by leaving them on. This positive action while not very big has helped our environment. Then I took the bus to school instead of a car which reduces the amount of gas used had everyone taken a car.
    2) These actions were necessary. I had to get to school and the lights use a lot of electricity so I had to turn them off.
    3) Not necessarily. I am Neutral on this issue most of the time people rarely think about their impact on the environment when they buy things.

  34. 1.)Today I picked up trash that was in the middle of the street and threw it away. This action was a positive because i was not only helping earth i was helping other oraninsms that mlive. This little action will help in the long run because we are polluting the earth if we throw trash on the ground and then it will be very unhealthy to live. It also helps animals because animals can mistake trash as food and try to eat it, then they can chocke and die. If to many animals die are ecosystem will be out of wack. Another thing i did today was I rode the bus to school so the car wouldnt have to produce any more poluttents into the air. This was action was a positive because i was helping not to polute the air wee breathe. This will help more if everybody would ride a bus or carpool. We are trying to make planet Earth a better place to live. Get to it people.
    2.) Yes my interactions were necessary because i was helping the enviroment because i was picking up polution and i was decreasing the air polution.
    3.) I am neutral with this statement because some people do think about where there goods come from and how they got there. And some people just dont care they just want their goods.

  35. 1.) Today I ate a bag of chips at lunch and finished them outside but when I got done eating them I through it away the garbage in the trash can instead of on the ground. This helps the enviornment because it doesnt cause the animals to eat it and die. Today I also rode the bus today so the car didnt produce any unessasary pollutants in the air. This was a positive action because its not causing pollutants in the air that arent nessacary.
    2.) Yes my interactions were very nessacary because I was helping the earth not have so much air pollution by a car and was helping the ecosystem by picking up trash so animals dont eat it and die.
    3.) I am neutral with this statment because like how there are good and bad guys there are people who think about the enviornment and some who dont. Such as the ones who do care they think about if the empty product can or bag or whatever is recycable or can be reused so it doesnt harm the enviornment. But like the ones who care there are some who dont and just get what they need and dont care wheather it can harm the earth or not they just want their goods and get it over with.

  36. 1) Today I used a re-usalbe water bottle, instead of a plastic one. This action has a positive effect on the environment because now there is less platic water bottles in the landfill because I did not use a water bottle that could have been thrown away. Another thing I did today was that I unpluged my computer before I left the house today, so that it was'nt charging and using up all the energy while I am at school. This action will have a positive effect on the environment because it is conserving energy.
    2) My interactions with the environment are neccessary because on good deed could make a big difference. For example on that allstate commercial one see ine person after another doing something nice to someone, just because they saw someone else do it. If I do one little thing it might give someone else the idea to do something good to.
    3)Neutral. The reason that I am neutral is because there are some people out there that don't care about the environment at all, and so they would'nt buy something just beccause it is giid for the environment. Or if there was an evironment freak that all they did was do stuff for the environment, then they would do the exact opposite then the other guy that did not care at all.

  37. The two things I have done that impact the environment is throwing away garbage witch negatively impacts the environment because it destroys habitats and increases the amount of landfills. The other thing I do is drive in a car or bus this impacts the environment by destroying our ozone layer. Personally I don’t think humans need to interact to much with the environment the only reason I think we should interact is if it directly affects us like our food supply and our homes other then that I don’t think we should interact.
    I am neutral when it comes to the statement because some people think about what they buy and others don’t care. But some people but things that harm the environment and even put some animals at risk of extinction by being things they don’t need but want. And others protest to stop harming the environment and make our own food. Personally I think you should do both but have a limit on the thing you do and buy.

  38. 1. This morning I interacted with the environment. I did so by taking a long shower and riding the bus. Taking a long shower was negative for the environment but positive for me. It was negative for the environment because I need to be conserving the water; however it was positive for me because It was really cold in my house and I wanted to get really clean. Another way I interacted with the earth was by riding the bus. This was positive because it’s better than taking separate cars.
    2. I think my actions were necessary because I have to get to school and I want to feel clean.
    3. I feel neutral about this statement because some people pay more attention to the environment than others. Some people pay more attention to the labels and if it’s recycled material or not. Most of the time though I think that people just get stuff at the store because they want it and they don’t pay attention to anything else.

  39. Recycling to me is very good for the environment. The city gave my family a red bin where you put recyclable things in it such as: plastics, cardboard, and others. I drink a lot of bottled water so when I got done drinking my bottle of water I gather all of my bottles of water and threw it away in the recyclable bin. I also made a negative impact on the environment. I absolutely love leaving the radio on or the television on to watch and listen to them, but sometimes I leave them on all through the night which is very bad for the environment. I try to do the right thing most of the time because it is the right way to go. The recyclable bin is necessary because instead of just putting my plastics and cardboard with all the other trash I can separate them so people can reuse them and come up with better inventions that could better the environment. Leaving the television and radio on isn’t necessary because that is just wasting energy that could be used for more productive things."When people decide to buy goods, they think about the effect it has on the environment." I am neutral with this statement simply because people have their own opinions about what they eat and whether or not it is good for the environment or not. Some people could care less and other care greatly. So I am kind of in between with this statement because it depends on the person.

  40. 1. Today I got a ride to school from my mother's friend because I missed the bus. I think this is a negative impact because if I would have rode the bus with the other students it wouldn't have been a problem. Since I didn't ride on the bus that was extra gas getting released into the air by her coming to pick me up all the way from Carolina Beach Rd. and taking me all the way to CFC which is like a 30min or 45min drive. I also picked up some trash this morning while waiting for her to pick me up. I think that is a positive impact because it is now one less pollutant now that I picked it up and put it in a trash can.
    2. Yes, because either they are increasing the pollution going on are they are not.
    3. I disagree because if people DID think about the effect it would have on the enviroment then we wouldn't really be seeing so much pollution, but they don't. Think of it as eating something unhealthy like fast food. Fast food resturants are full of people almost everyday and do they think about how that food may harm them? Probably 80% would say no. Some don't even really care if the food would harm them or not just like some people would rather careless about one little piece of trash that could save the world.

  41. 1.) I have had a positive effect on the environment. Instead of drinking from water bottles I use a permanent water canister. I do this to lessen the amount of things we throw away. If people always drink from water bottles then they are constantly throwing them away. That’s why it is a good idea to have a permanent canister or water bottle in which you drink out of so you are not constantly making more trash. I also do not use paper bags when I pack my lunch. I use a lunch box. Same thing with the water bottles I use a lunch box so I don’t have to constantly use and throw away paper bags.
    2.) Yes, my interaction with the environment is very necessary. The more trash you throw away the more you are polluting our Earth. If you reuse things or have permanent things such as a metal canister and lunch box than it will improve our environment tremendously.
    3.) "When people decide to buy goods, they think about the effect it has on the environment.” Yes they should; therefore, I very much agree with this statement. People need to be aware on what they are doing to our environment; if not our world might one day be destroyed. One person is not going to make a difference in our environment by being cautious when knowing what they’re going to buy; therefore, everybody needs to start doing this. If more people would just be more wise when buying goods than our world would be a much better and sanitary place to live in.

  42. Today i recycled my aluminum foil instead of just throwing it away in the trash can. We could reuse aliminum foil instead of having Earth's surface covered with trash. This is positive towards Earth's enviornment. I rode in a car to school instead of taking the bus. Using more gas-powered machinery is bad for the environmnt by letting of a chemical called Chlorofluoro carbons (CFC's) into the atmosphere which is very harmful to our osone layer. CFC's destroy the ozone layer, causing use to be exposed by Uv radiation waves from the sun, which leads to the Earhtn having global warming and rising sea levels. This is negatuve towards the environment. My positive interactions towards the Earht's enviornment is necessary because recycling can reduce a great amount of trash and liter on Earth making Earth a better, more stable planet for our liking. It depends on how sincere the person is about what the good they are buying will effect the Earth. Sure people may have second thought about it but they still would either use it or dont buy it. Therefore, i stand neutral. some people want to save the Earht buy making better choices on what they buy but they still might need it.

  43. Today i have interactd with the environment both posstively and neggitively. I rode the car to school today, which polluted the air. I could have helped put a little less pollution into the air by waking up earlier and riding the bus. I've interacted with the environment possitively because i recycled two of my plastic water bottles in the recycling ben. I could have thrown thrown the bottles on the side of the road somewhere but i didnt because I know that littering is a big threat to the environment.

    2. Yes, my impact with the environment is neccesary because it effects how we live and our animals that live around us.

    3. I strongly dissagree that people think about the environment when they are purchasing goods. If they thought about the environment then everyone would have ecofriendly products. Most people prefer non eco friendly products because it smells bad and also maybe cost a little more. Most people would buy products to satisfy themselves and their well beings before even thinking about the environment .

  44. 1. Today I missed my bus on purpos because I thought my mom wouldn't come all the way home from work to bring me to school and I would get to stay home with my friends. Because of this I had to ride in a car when I could have grouped up in a bus, so I harmed the environment. Before that I took a long time in the shower, and I brushed my teeth in the shower. I wasted water because my shower was so long and if I used a little sink water to brush my teeth I would have used a lot less water than spending several more minutes in the shower.
    2. My shower and brushing my teeth were necessary but not in the way that I did. I used more water than I should have. Riding in the car to school was unnecessary. I should have rode the bus.
    3. Nuetral. Some people do, some people don't. Some people do but they accidently harm the environment. People by fluorescent lights, and put them in a closet where they are never on for more than two minutes at a time. Unless they get up to temperature they don't last longer or save electricity, but some people don't know that. Overall, many people these days are concious of the environment, but many people either aren't or are only concious of the environment when they buy certain products.

  45. This weekend I went to the fair, I happen to buy me some fries. When me and my friends got done eating the fries the napkin under it had fell and I did not pick it up. I knew it wasn’t right but I didn’t want to pick the napkin up because it was in mud. Sometimes I help the environment in a positive way because on the weekends there be a lot of trash like McDonald sandwich rappers and more stuff like that in front of my yard. One of my mom biggest pet peeves are when people just go around dropping trash so sometimes I help her pick some of it up and put it in the trash can. I strongly disagree that people don’t think about hurting the environment when they buy stuff because they want that thing, Not if its going to hurt the environment.

  46. 1.) I try my hardest to make positive decisions everyday however; I threw something on the ground this morning after I got off the bus. That was NOT a positive decision and I think I should’ve waited until I got to school. By me doing that may have caused a bird or squirrel to try to eat the plastic that I threw down. This would increase the landfill which is very negative. Even though that was a negative decision, I still did something positive. When I woke up this morning I didn’t take as long in the shower as I usually do. That action is called conservation. I conserved more water for our environment by taking less time in the shower. I also rode the bus which didn’t use up so much gas. If I was to ride in the car it would pollute the air but it still uses more gas than a bus. This was a positive decision.
    2.) I think that my positive actions are necessary to the environment because by taking less time in the shower I am conserving water. By riding the bus I’m using less gas. My negative decision is not necessary for the environment because I could have easily killed an animal.
    3.) I strongly disagree with that. No one cares about the environment they just happy they have somewhere to live. No one really thinks about that kind of stuff unless they are in need. People are selfish and only care about themselves.

  47. 1. Today at school I threw away a plastic baggie. This negatively impacted the Earth by helping to cause pollution and more waste for landfills, as well as creating the need to make more baggies. At home I recycled a milk carton instead of throwing it away. This helped to positively affect the Earth because less plastic will need to be created for making other things or more plastic milk jugs.
    2. It is necessary to interact with the environment, since we live in it. Sometimes the way humans interact with the environment harms it, such as when we create waste dumps or use the Earth’s nonrenewable resources. Other times it can be beneficial, like when we use renewable sources instead of fossil fuels or when we reuse and recycle products.
    3. I disagree that people think about something’s environmental impact before buying it. Of course, there are some very environmentally conscious people who do think about something’s impact before purchasing it, but people in general think about if they want something and if they can afford it before buying.

  48. Mostly every day, I do at least one positive thing to impact the environment, every morning I take a shower that I try to keep at 5 minute max to help conserve water and brush my teeth with the water off. This is a positive influence because if we conserve water then money will be saved. The more water that is used the more money and expenses there are. You save water for fish and animals. You help preserve drinking water supplies. And you ease the burden on wastewater treatment plants—the less water you send down the drain, the less work these plants have to do to make water clean again. When you use water wisely, you save energy. You save the energy that your water supplier uses to treat and move water to you, and the energy your family uses to heat your water. Something negative that I constantly do is leave everything that is not being used plugged in. I leave the microwave plugged in all day and never unplug it. This is a bad or negative thing to do because I am wasting energy. It is still using power while it is plugged in, even though it is only a small amount being used, over time it adds up and can make a big impact on the environment and waste energy. Yes, I do think that my interactions with the environment are necessary, both positive and negative. If I myself could conserve water by taking shorter showers and brush my teeth, then the little impact that I make could have a great outcome.
    If I could unplug the microwave, toaster and every other appliance that I don’t use all day, I will be making a great change and impact on the environment. Neutral, I agree and disagree. Not everybody pays attention or thinks about things like that. I think there are a small amount of people that are environmental friendly and do pay attention to the little things like that and how they can have such a strong impact on us. I think that everyone should think about how the foods we eat and buy could have an impact on us. Maybe some people do actually think about the little things like the packaging of foods and what is in them. Not many people realize the impact of recycling and what a big of an influence it has on us. Also, some of the food packaging ends up in the landfill and breaks down to harm our environment.

  49. 1)One thing I did to positively affect the environment today was that I took a ride to school on the bus this morning. this is good because people taking the bus takes more cars off the road. Another thing I did today to positively affect the envirinment was that I didn't wake my Mom up early, making her angery, to take me to school. The environment dosn't need to see my Mom angery.
    2)Well I think it depends on What I do, like if I pick my trash off the ground or I just leave it there.
    3) Neutral, Because environmentalist may think about that, and even sometimes they may not. But most of the time I think that when people are buying stuff they don't normally care about how its going to affect the environment, they normally care about how the stuff will satisfy their needs and wants.

  50. Every morning, afternoon, and night I make an impact on the environment. Doing the smallest things can cause a big impact on the environment. Driving back and forth, running water for 10 minutes, throwing away plastic bottles and bags and allowing oil in the water causes negative effects on the environment. Driving adds more carbon dioxide to the atmosphere we live in causing our Ozone layer to expand. Throwing away plastic adds to some of the many things that will take years to decay away. Soon our landfills will take up half of the land mass we do have to live on because humans are so wasteful. Recycling is all good but just as were giving off gas to make a non-green item we are giving off twice as much making “green” items. The term green refers to recycling and being aware of how items are made and how they affect the environment. As hard as you try to help the earth you’re still causing the environment to take a toll that it can no longer take. When you’re buying the nice smelling soap, shampoo, perfume, and room spray do you think;”hmm it took a hour to make the bottle but it’s going to take 100’s of years to decay away if I don’t recycle it”. Some say that “I need this shampoo and soap to wash.” Or “I want the new phone because it’s in style and I’ll be lame if I don’t have it.” With those ideas and comments in mind this is why I strongly disagree that people think about the impact they make. Ever heard the saying “Think before you act” well most really don’t really look at it in depth. If you think before you act you want even buy or support something that can hurt you in the future. It comes down to wants and needs. You want the nice smelling soap and nice phone but on the other side of the country someone just wants soap doesn’t matter how it smell they would just want it. Having the latest phone wouldn’t even bother them they could have the oldest phone to date in time it’s just the fact that they have it. The impacts we make on our environment now will determine how our future is spent.

  51. 1) I have interacted with the world indirectly and in a positive way by recycling. By me recycling plastic bottles they will not get thrown away and end up in the dump where they almost never decompose. Instead they get put in a factory that reuses them for other things so they wont damage the Earth. Another way I have interacted with the earth indirectly but in a negative way is by littering. I have many times pulled out a piece of gum or candy and just thrown the wrapper on the ground after I am done. I know it is a bad thing and I shouldn’t do it but I know I will never get caught and its easier than finding a trash can. It can affect earth by an animal thinking its food and eating it and choking and dieing which after a while can endanger the species.
    2) My first interaction is necessary because if I can convince just one person to recycle they can convince another and more and more people will get involved. If this happens it makes an impact on the earth that is good. My second interaction isn’t necessary because it negatively affects the earth because it can kill endangered species of animals which will throw off the ecosystem and negatively affect us humans and other things around us.
    3) Disagree, because most people don’t think about the effect it has on the environment at all but there is some people that do think about the earth and how what they are buying effects it. Most people when they buy something they buy it cause they need it or they can use it or maybe cause it will make their life easier but they don’t realize they can but a similar thing that is earth friendly. With the few people that do think about the environment they buy what is better for the earth because they are more concerned about it and want to make a difference.
